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How to calculate heat transfer coefficent

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Old   August 21, 2015, 05:42
Default How to calculate heat transfer coefficent
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 37
Rep Power: 11
Shaheer is on a distinguished road
Hi there, I am modeling a combustion chamber with discrete particles as heat carriers and fuel and ofcourse there is an atmosphere around it. There are multitude of particles in the chamber. Given the air is in room temperature when it gets in and the particles in very high one there should be a heat transfer between the 2 state. My question is how do one get the data of how much energy got transfered from the particles to surrounding and the over all heat transfer coefficient of the system in such case?

Also my work is not to deal with the combustion so i dont have to worry about the chemical reaction occuring. All i need to find out is the temperature exchange and the heat transfer coefficient.

I was told here once that heat transfer coefficient is one of the standard result so i can find it in the ansys CFD post but seemingly i dont get the option. I am using ansys 15. Any one can screen shot where it is if it exist in 15?

Also when inserting particle i assign that the velocity of the particles are 0 in all 3 direction however due to the momentum of the air it kind a well, moves.
I want the particle to stay where they are and the air to flow over them ie the particles to act as a structural points.
Any suggestion on these issues?
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