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Old   August 6, 2015, 12:23
Post splash/supress/vof/tank
Piyush Aras
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 34
Rep Power: 11
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I am simulating a transient multiphase flow in a tank which has one inlet at top and total 6 outlets of rectangular shape symmetric to inlet. (that is 3 on left and 3 on right) . Now I have created the model in solidworks and imported it in design modeler . Now I filled the fluid domain using fill option and suppressed the body of the tank. After this I meshed changing mesh size to fine.
Now in setup I selected transient solution and gravity and VOF model( implicit scheme ,zonal discretization turned on , implicit body force on)
Then selected primary phase as air and secondary phase as water. (surface tension 0.072 and phase discretisation = 2 .
Now I did setup the boundary conditions and that is velocity inlet , walls , pressure outlets (with backflow volume fraction = 0).
Under relaxation factors - 0.1 for pressure momemtum volume fraction and 1 for body force and density)
Solution method default except pressure as body force weighted momentum as second order upwind and transient formulation as first order .
I did solution initialization for inlet with water volume fraction 0 .
and then patched 0 volume fraction to the water zone.
time step size =0.01 sec
number of step= 800
and max iteration / time step = 30

I want to calculate massdistribution in all outlets .Expected result is that I get equal flow in 1-6 ; 2;5 ; 3-4

Now Problem I am facing is results as coming like this
Mass flow rates :
Plate 1 - 0.0143
Plate 2 - 0.0213
Plate 3 - 0.0498
Plate 4 - 0.0443
Plate 5 - 0.0116
Plate 6 - 0.0148

When I change transient formulation to second order I get error that divergance detected in x momemtum.
what should I do.
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