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Water flow in inclined plate

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Old   April 30, 2015, 05:08
Question Water flow in inclined plate
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Join Date: Apr 2015
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Hello dear CFD experts, a total beginner here. I have a huge problem with creating VOF simulation of water flowing in inclined plate - I want to create a water film.
What me and my supervisor assumed at the beggining is that I can create a plate (velocity inlet, pressure outlet, front, back, up and bottom walls) that is lying down - inlet and outlet are perpendicular to the x axis and then manipulate gravity on x and y axises to make the plate "inclined".
Now, no matter what I do, the water is stuck at inlet and doesn't flow at all. My current settings:
gavitational acceleration x: 15m/s2; y: -10m/s2;
Model: VOF, viscous laminar, eulerian wall film OFF (now that I think about it, maybe it should be ON), everything else OFF;
materials: water, air, solid auminium
surface tension between phases: 73.5, wall adhesion
boundary conditions: volume fraction of water in inlet: 1;
solution: time step fixed at 10e-5.
I tried adding some small velocity (0.1) in the inlet, but it did nothing.
I don't know if interior-solid does not mean that the interior is filled with aluminium... then again, when I display the air phase after the calculation, interior is filled with air, so I guess everything here is OK.
What I think may solve my case:
I HAVE TO make the plate inclined or else it won't work.
I am making some very basic mistake that is easy to resolve.
Please help me, or redirect me to thread that will help me

This is how my mesh looks like:

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plate, vof, vof phase change, water flow

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