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Conforming mesh

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Old   February 13, 2016, 11:51
Default Conforming mesh
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Join Date: Feb 2015
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I´m using Flow-3D version 11, where I intend to simulate a house's ventilation system. For that, I created a full-scale model of the house, including all the ventilation pipes. My problem is in the definition of the ventilation grids, where air enters the rooms. These grids are extremely small when compared to the entire house, containing small holes with approximately 6 to 9 mm. Using simple multi-block cells does not work considering the cell size ratio between the cell blocks that define the house (with relatively big cells) and those needed to define the grids (with extremely small cells).
I've heard of the conforming mesh option in the latest versions of Flow-3D, however, I'm not entirely sure if it is helpfull in my case, or even how it works.

Can someone please give me a help on this problem, especially considering that the grids have a big influence on the airflow, rendering their definition essential to a proper validation on this simulation.

Thanks in advance!
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Old   July 15, 2016, 05:24
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hanif pourshahbaz
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Originally Posted by FUDM View Post

I´m using Flow-3D version 11, where I intend to simulate a house's ventilation system. For that, I created a full-scale model of the house, including all the ventilation pipes. My problem is in the definition of the ventilation grids, where air enters the rooms. These grids are extremely small when compared to the entire house, containing small holes with approximately 6 to 9 mm. Using simple multi-block cells does not work considering the cell size ratio between the cell blocks that define the house (with relatively big cells) and those needed to define the grids (with extremely small cells).
I've heard of the conforming mesh option in the latest versions of Flow-3D, however, I'm not entirely sure if it is helpfull in my case, or even how it works.

Can someone please give me a help on this problem, especially considering that the grids have a big influence on the airflow, rendering their definition essential to a proper validation on this simulation.

Thanks in advance!
Do you still need a hand?
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Old   October 19, 2016, 10:36
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Hello hanif pourshahbaz,

I am just now resuming my work on this subject. In fact, I had given up on the idea of using the conforming mesh option, since I was told that a simple baffle with a porosity corresponding to the grid's holes could be a close approximation to my problem.

However, I am still not sure what is the best way to deal with this problem. If you are still willing to give me a hand, I would be very thankful!

Best regards.
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cell size ratio, conforming mesh, ventilation grids

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