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simulation stopped

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Old   October 28, 2013, 03:32
Default simulation stopped
New Member
Athmani Bassem
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 14
Rep Power: 15 is on a distinguished road
Dear all,
i have simulation stopped with this error message:
Preprocessor Messages:
convective flux exceeded stability limit
at t= 2.9323E-02 cycle= 1 iter= 1 delt= 2.9323E-02 mesh block 1
restarting cycle with smaller time step

convection failure diagnostics
time, cycle, delt, iter = 2.9323E-02 1 2.9323E-02 1
maximum failure ratio = 5.74337E+00 is in x-coordinate direction
at cell ( 458, 33, 2) mesh block 1

i j k u v w p f tn nf
afr afb aft vf

458, 33, 1 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
(old) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0
0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
458, 32, 2 7.7217E+00 0.0000E+00 -2.8766E-01 0.0000E+00 1.1827E+00
(old) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9959E-01 0.0000E+00 1
1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00
457, 33, 2 7.4346E+00 0.0000E+00 -1.8974E-01 1.1682E+04 1.1205E+00
(old) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 5.1670E+04 1.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0
1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00
458, 33, 2 7.7217E+00 0.0000E+00 -2.8766E-01 0.0000E+00 1.1827E+00
(old) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9959E-01 0.0000E+00 1
1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00
459, 33, 2 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9284E-01
(old) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 8
1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00
458, 34, 2 7.7217E+00 0.0000E+00 -2.8766E-01 0.0000E+00 1.1827E+00
(old) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9959E-01 0.0000E+00 1
1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00
458, 33, 3 7.3374E+00 0.0000E+00 -2.8766E-01 0.0000E+00 1.0000E+00
(old) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9959E-01 0.0000E+00 1
1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00

============= mentor tip ===============
persistent f-packing location at t= 0.11645E+00
x= 0.64725E+01, y= 0.23108E-01, z= 0.21000E+01
i= 421, j= 2, k= 47
f= 0.97129E+00

recommend reducing cfpk by factor of 10

============= mentor tip ===============
persistent f-packing location at t= 0.16183E+00
x= 0.64725E+01, y= 0.27960E+01, z= 0.21000E+01
i= 421, j= 62, k= 47
f= 0.97633E+00

recommend reducing cfpk by factor of 10

============= mentor tip ===============
persistent f-packing location at t= 0.17752E+00
x= 0.64725E+01, y= 0.28422E+01, z= 0.21000E+01
i= 421, j= 63, k= 47
f= 0.97733E+00

recommend reducing cfpk by factor of 10

============= mentor tip ===============
persistent f-packing location at t= 0.20453E+00
x= 0.64725E+01, y= 0.53147E+00, z= 0.21000E+01
i= 421, j= 13, k= 47
f= 0.97911E+00

recommend reducing cfpk by factor of 10

============= mentor tip ===============
persistent f-packing location at t= 0.23177E+00
x= 0.64725E+01, y= 0.48526E+00, z= 0.21000E+01
i= 421, j= 12, k= 47
f= 0.97972E+00

recommend reducing cfpk by factor of 10

============= mentor tip ===============
persistent f-packing location at t= 0.26053E+00
x= 0.64725E+01, y= 0.43904E+00, z= 0.21000E+01
i= 421, j= 11, k= 47
f= 0.98040E+00

recommend reducing cfpk by factor of 10

============= mentor tip ===============
persistent f-packing location at t= 0.36301E+00
x= 0.64725E+01, y= 0.57769E+00, z= 0.21000E+01
i= 421, j= 14, k= 47
f= 0.98599E+00

recommend reducing cfpk by factor of 10

============= mentor tip ===============
persistent f-packing location at t= 0.45597E+00
x= 0.64725E+01, y= 0.27960E+01, z= 0.21000E+01
i= 421, j= 62, k= 47
f= 0.98883E+00

recommend reducing cfpk by factor of 10

============= mentor tip ===============
persistent f-packing location at t= 0.59428E+00
x= 0.64725E+01, y= 0.27498E+01, z= 0.21000E+01
i= 421, j= 61, k= 47
f= 0.98957E+00

recommend reducing cfpk by factor of 10

============= mentor tip ===============
persistent f-packing location at t= 0.67306E+00
x= 0.64725E+01, y= 0.27498E+01, z= 0.21000E+01
i= 421, j= 61, k= 47
f= 0.98984E+00

recommend reducing cfpk by factor of 10

can someone explain to me this message.
many thanks!

Last edited by; October 29, 2013 at 05:35. is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   November 7, 2013, 18:16
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 72
Rep Power: 14
dmilano is on a distinguished road
The "persistent f-packing location" means that the f-packing algorithm has been active in that particular cell for the last 10 consecutive computational cycles. This may be an indicator that the f-packing algorithm is trying to close voids in the fluid that should physically be opening. The best thing to do is look at the results and decide if they make sense. If not, then try reducing the strength of the f-packing adjustment.
dmilano is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   November 11, 2013, 06:15
New Member
Athmani Bassem
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 14
Rep Power: 15 is on a distinguished road
Thank you for your interest dmilano.
I found a void in the figure. I treated him by increasing the number of cells. In the end, I got acceptable results.
thanks a lot again for the explanation. is offline   Reply With Quote


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