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Sliding Mesh Rotating Region Doesn't Appear to Rotate the Turbine

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Old   August 3, 2023, 20:38
Default Sliding Mesh Rotating Region Doesn't Appear to Rotate the Turbine
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Michael Peairs
Join Date: Jun 2023
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I'm modeling a Pelton wheel style turbine with a forty psi static inlet pressure and 15 psi static outlet pressure in FloEFD in Solid Edge 2023. My goal is to optimize the design to increase the output power. I was successful in modeling the current model design, i.e. baseline design, using a sliding mesh rotating region, time dependent with five full rotations for the finishing criteria, and nested iterations to keep the solver from diverging. The baseline model produces meaningful results and the flow wraps around the perimeter of the body, as would be expected, but when I tried to simplify the model for manipulating the various features and geometry, using the same approach that I used with the baseline model, the flow trajectories after the solver is complete appear to to be hitting a stationary turbine blade and deflecting the some of the flow toward the exhaust. During the solver run the rotating mesh in the picture appears to be advancing the turbine blades as it did with the baseline run.
I'm using the same meshing parameters that were successful with the baseline model, and I've went back to using the same turbine design and rotating region from the successful model, and then I changed the body model to the same internal geometry as the baseline model all with no success. The model should be the same as the baseline model with the exception of the drill point at the bottom of the inlet hole.
Any suggestions on what else to try? Thank you!

Update August,10 2023: I still don't know what caused the issue, but I was able to resolve it by deleting the model and all the results and just start over from scratch.
Attached Images
File Type: gif Baseline Turbine Flow.gif (192.5 KB, 13 views)
File Type: gif New Turbine Flow.gif (174.0 KB, 9 views)

Last edited by Michael P; August 10, 2023 at 18:37. Reason: Add pictures
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rotating region, turbine stuck

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