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FloTHERM XT hourglass and crashing (FloEFD too)

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Old   April 11, 2019, 11:41
Default FloTHERM XT hourglass and crashing (FloEFD too)
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Join Date: Jan 2019
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DB99 is on a distinguished road
Anyone know why FloTHERM XT gives lengthy hourglass, slow performance on so many functions and activities.
Workstation is relative supercomputer of features and capacities. 50Gb of disk space free. Enterprise SSDs, 256Gb RDIM 2666MHz memory, 3.5GHz dual XEON Gold CPUs, hyper threading off. Running Win10 x64 Enterprise. During hourglass Resource Monitor shows little if any CPU or disk activity.
Big productivity problem. Sometimes results which usually take a few minutes to load take 15 to 45 min. Another simple action example: clicking to turn Probe Mode off takes minutes of hourglass.
I think I know why Mentor Graphics discontinued the Mechanical Analysis Forum on their support site. Too many complaint threads.

XT and EFD also crash without warning or reason. Two separate computers. One super computer workstation, the other laptop engineering grade.
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Old   April 23, 2019, 05:54
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 616
Rep Power: 24
Boris_M will become famous soon enough
That depends on what actions are currently running that the computer needs to load and where they run. For example, the CAD system is not parallelized and with a huge model, it might take time for some actions. It also might depend on which version you use, as a newer version might have fixed any issue already.

With problems like these, it is best to contact the support as they will be able to look into it. They will need your model to see if they can reproduce it on their computers and if they can, they can figure out what the cause is.
For these reasons customers pay maintenance so the support can help and it will take some time as there are 1000 possibilities from just the description you posted.
I don't know of anyone else having the problem, so it might be some installation you have on your computers dictated by the IT or it might be a bug in FloEFD. It might be your specific model and way of modeling or the model is damaged in the geometrical definition due to a crash once. They will be able to find out and help you.

Mentor did not discontinue the Mechanical Analysis Forum because of that, there are certainly other reasons for that (for example the merger with Siemens and their existing forums, I don't know) and it is best to contact support for constant crashes or such issues.
Please contact Mentor support and they will look into the issue, that's what you pay maintenance for.

Hope this helps,
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floefd, flotherm, flotherm xt, hourglass, slow

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