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Result Discrepancy between FloEFD v16 and v17

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Old   February 27, 2019, 00:35
Question Result Discrepancy between FloEFD v16 and v17
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Lawrence Liang
Join Date: Apr 2013
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I first ran into this problem 2 years ago, migrating a natural convection problem for a camera from Solidworks Flow Simulation 2015(FloEFD 16) to Solidworks Flow Simulation 2017(FloEFD 17). The simulation gave 2 very different results when the old files were automatically updated to the newer version(on 2 different machines). I never figured it out why, but just gave up and stuck working with the older model on v16.

I am now again running another old ProE/FlowEFD v16 cold-plate model from a collage in my machine ProE/FlowEFD v17, again with nothing changed. I am getting some very different results that he had reported. An additional problem was that the Goals that were set, had now disappeared from the selection menu, but it's still there when I ran the case.

Anyone ran into this problem? or any sort of solution? Thanks.
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Old   April 1, 2019, 06:58
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Boris_M will become famous soon enough
Hi Lawrence,

I cannot tell what was done different or what physics you used etc.
The code improves also from version to version and new functionalities come in that might cover a wider range of physics or simply more detailed fluid data etc.
It is hard to tell what the problem was without a more detailed description of what physics you used in your simulation, what the application is and in which temperature ranges or other parameters your model runs.
I could look into the differences between V16 and V17 but it might be many things.
Also did you re-run the model or just open it in V17 and then looking at the results from V16?
How different are the results?

But even then I haven't heard of it and would ideally need the model to try to reproduce it myself. So it is best to get in contact with the Support and show them what you did such as a plot and Goal values with both versions and send them the model so they can see if they can reproduce and look deeper into it.

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floefd, proe/flowefd v16

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