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Python Skripts for IGG

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Old   April 20, 2003, 07:38
Default Python Skripts for IGG
Ole Ritter
Posts: n/a
Hi to whoever might be able to help... I'm a student at the university of Stuttgart and I'm working on a reseach project in the field helicopter aerodynamics. I'm trying to create a grid using IGG. To do this more efficiently I'm writing a skrip in Python. However, I have only got a limited number of commands. My question is were might I be able to get a list of the Python - IGG commands.
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Old   April 20, 2003, 20:25
Default Re: Python Skripts for IGG
Allan D. Grosvenor
Posts: n/a
Hello Ole,

The best listing of IGG commands exists in the latest IGG manual that accompanies the FINE 6 release. Chapter 6 contains a detailed listing that spans pages 6-11 to 6-37. If the new release hasn't reached you yet, it should soon.

Another useful method to determine what commands might be appropriate for your needs is to select 'File/Scripts/ViewRecording' from the horizontal menu bar at the top of the screen. Scripts are recorded automatically as you point-and-click through various operations in IGG, so the exact command that you access via the interface will be displayed in the 'Current Recording' dialogue box. You can copy and paste from this dialogue box into your own script, or you can simply select 'File/Scripts/Save Recording' after you have performed a series of tasks, to place all of the operations into a new script file.

I hope this information helps. Feel free to let us know if you require further assistance.

Best regards,

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Old   April 21, 2003, 06:02
Default Re: Python Skripts for IGG
Ole Ritter
Posts: n/a
Hello Allan, thank for the advice, was of great help. I'll try and get the latest IGG manual. However, the recording of the preformed tasks helps a lot for now. Best regards, Ole
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