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creating surfaces from lot of xyz data

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Old   April 4, 2003, 10:45
Default creating surfaces from lot of xyz data
rolando guerrieri
Posts: n/a
my precedent message was in fact a part of a bigger problem : i have to import lot of xyz data points (a car)(this is ok) but then i have to make a surface representing the car with all of these points... if someone could help me in the way of doing this... PLEASE, PLEASE, ... HELP
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Old   April 4, 2003, 12:55
Default Re: creating surfaces from lot of xyz data
Posts: n/a
You would probably have much better luck importing this data into a CAD program (I am assuming you have access to CAD at your university). You should then be able to create your surfaces, then export to some format compatible with your grid generator. Complex surface creation is problably best left to tools that were made for that task, i.e. CAD, then let the grid generator map to this surface.
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Old   April 4, 2003, 13:31
Default Re: creating surfaces from lot of xyz data
Allan D. Grosvenor
Posts: n/a
Hello Rolando,

For the first problem, it sounds like there might just be a formatting error in your input file. In this case, it would be easiest to diagnose, if you could forward the file to your support contact.

For the second issue, it is important to know if the coordinates are structured or not. If they are, the answer given above is applicable. If not, you would need to either generate a triangulation of the points and process this into a set of surfaces, or you could try to attract face meshes to these points and then export surfaces from these face meshes. In any case, I believe the best course of action would be to have your support contact take a look at your data.

Best regards, Allan
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Old   February 26, 2016, 14:43
Default How to handle small fillets in the geometry
New Member
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 9
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afzaal is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone, I have a geometry in which there is a small fillet in the shroud. When i import the geometry in AutoGrid5, it changes the geometry itself and i am not able to fix this problem. can anybody tell me some solution to this problem. I am attaching the figure file to exactly understand the nature of trouble i am recently facing. Thanks everyone
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File Type: gif trouble in NUMECA.gif (9.7 KB, 12 views)
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