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Can't get the same results with tutorials

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Old   October 1, 2022, 13:07
Default Can't get the same results with tutorials
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Join Date: Aug 2019
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Hello! I'm a beginner level user of NUMECA Fine Marine. To learn the basics of the software, I'm trying to perform the tutorials of NUMECA Online Documentation Platform. I'm using NUMECA Fine Marine 9.2 version.

I've tried to analyse DTMB Combatant both with and without C-Wizard. But in both cases I can't get the same results with the tutorial documents even though I'm doing the exact same things with tutorials.

For example;
In tutorials, the pitch motion monitor (Ry1) decreases at the beginning of the analyse and than starts to increase until convergence which is nearly 15th second of the ships motion. But in my analyse, the pitch motion monitor gives me an increasing linear motion in all process.

The heave motion monitor (Tz0) has a decreasing curve and converges nearly 15th second of the ships motion in tutorials. But in my analyse, the heave motion monitor gives me a decreasing linear motion in all process.

In both monitors, there is no convergence. You can see the monitor comparison in attached picture.

I'm using NUMECA Fine Marine 9.2 version. Can this problem be about the version of the program? Because when I ask a coworker who uses 7.2 version, he said it could be about that. But like I mention above, I'm doing the exact same things with tutorials of NUMECA Online Documentation Platform.

Thanks for all helps.
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beginner, dtmb 5415, numeca, numeca tutorial

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