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Merging impeller-volute meshes AutoGrid5/IGG

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Old   August 6, 2019, 16:35
Default Merging impeller-volute meshes AutoGrid5/IGG
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Alfredo García
Join Date: Aug 2019
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Hi everyone!

I'm working with a centrifugal compressor and I want to merge the impeller mesh (made in AutoGrid5) with a volute mesh. I imported the impeller mesh in IGG to create the volute geometry and mesh in this package. The problem is that I can only modify the blocks of one impeller channel, and due to this I can't connect all blocks interfaces. I have read that I can create the volute mesh in IGG and then import it in AutoGrid as a 3D effect. I don't know how this works, how can I merge both meshes in this way?

Thanks in advance.
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Old   August 19, 2019, 06:23
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colinda1 is on a distinguished road
Dear Alfredo,

What type of simulation would you like to do? For a mixing plane simulation or an unsteady simulation with the non-linear harmonics method, it is sufficient to connect the volute to one channel of the impeller. If you wish to make a sliding grid or frozen rotor simulation, you'll need to copy and rotate the blocks of the impeller channel as many times as needed to fill the 360 degrees.

In this case using a 3D effect is not going to be of help to you. If you can't make it in IGG™, you will not be able to do it in a 3D effect either. The purpose of a 3D effect is that the steps that you perform in the 3D effect in an IGG™ GUI are recorded into the AutoGrid5™ template. This is only useful if you want to make multiple meshes each time with a same volute but a different impeller mesh. Anyway only once you know how it could be done in IGG™, you could choose to make it in a 3D effect.

An alternative would be to mesh the volute using HEXPRESS™, HEXPRESS™/Hybrid or OMNIS™ and combine it with the AutoGrid5™ mesh in HEXPRESS™ before running it in the FINE™/Open solver.

Best regards,
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