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Generate mesh in NUMECA/Design2D

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Old   May 4, 2018, 04:43
Default Generate mesh in NUMECA/Design2D
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I'm going to do a 2D flow analysis of a profile of a compressor blade using FINE/Design2D.
I followed the steps in user manual. However it is prompted that there is no grid file associated.
But I did not find a mesh generate button in the GUI.
So, would anyone tell me how to generate mesh in FINE/Design2D?
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Old   May 4, 2018, 05:30
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Holger Dietrich
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Dear YouweiHe,

if you just want to compute the flow field FINE/Turbo would be the appropriate software. FINE/Design2D/3D is an optimisation environment. I assume you want to use a structured grid to analyse your profile? In this case please use IGG (the Interactive Grid Generator) to manually generate a block structured mesh.

Kind regards,
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Old   May 4, 2018, 23:44
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Thanks for your reply.
The goal of my work is to optimize this profile using Inverse design in FINE/Design2D.
In the user manual, it is said that "An inverse design calculation should always start from the converged flow analysis of the initial
So, i start to using the Blade-to-Blade Module under the FINE/Design 2D to do a flow analysis of my initial profile.
Then i encountered the problem that there is no associated grid file when i am going to start the solver.

Originally Posted by DarylMusashi View Post
Dear YouweiHe,

if you just want to compute the flow field FINE/Turbo would be the appropriate software. FINE/Design2D/3D is an optimisation environment. I assume you want to use a structured grid to analyse your profile? In this case please use IGG (the Interactive Grid Generator) to manually generate a block structured mesh.

Kind regards,
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Old   May 5, 2018, 10:15
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Holger Dietrich
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Dear YouweiHe,
it seems you must first manually mesh the geometry and conduct a CFD simulation of your initial design. On basis of this you can follow the next steps. Isn't there a tutorial or anything helpful in the documentation...?
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Old   May 8, 2018, 04:25
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Hamid Zoka
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There is no need to set 2D mesh manually in IGG.
You can still use Autogrid5 to generate 2D meshes and define 2D runs in FineTurbo. For this purpose, settings of mesh should be changed such that it has only one spanwise cell. besides that, endwalls (namely hub and shroud walls) should be modified from solid walls to mirror. the mesh is then ready to make 2D runs in FineTurbo on the same way that 3D runs are defined there.
Although this is an ideal strategy for setting 2D airfoils optimization, I am not sure if it works with Fine Design2D.
As I remember In Fine Design 2D (which is based on inverse design) you need a pre-defined pressure distribution on your target airfoil as well.

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