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Problem with .snap files

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Old   November 12, 2015, 13:08
Default Problem with .snap files
New Member
Miguel Alfonso Mendez
Join Date: Nov 2015
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p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; } Hello,

This is my first post as FineOpen user, and I do not know if this is the good place where to post technical problems. I apologize if it is not; I try nevertheless

I recently started to have problems with '.snap' files, i.e. those files containing a list of all the saved time steps of an unsteady computation. I can not understand why some computation produce them and some others don't (I have two .run files as examples, they are identical for what concerns the output control etc etc, as checked using 'meld' in Linux. Still one produced it during the computation, the other didn't).

If this '.snap' file is not there, opening the run file of a URANS computation from the CfviewOpen, brings to the error error “Hexstream unsteady test case but no snap file found”. I tried to reproduce an identical file “Project_name.snap” and place it in the folder containing the .run. Cfviewopen still tells me there is no such a file. It is evidently only a plotting problem, since all the time steps are there and the .res file shows that everything went smoothly. So here are my questions:

1) Is there any trick to be independent from the .snap file? It seems strange that the run file becomes inaccessible without this simple list file. Moreover, looking at the .run file, I could find no mention of this output '.snap'. Where and when should it be produced?

2) Since it's just a list of numbers, I could simply produce a 'fake' version and put it in the folder. Why CfviewOpen does not see it? What is so special in the one produced by the solver?

3) Why some computation produce them and others do not?

Thank you very much for your support,


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