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CFD_screening problem for Francis Turbine Optimization

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Old   February 14, 2014, 09:00
Default CFD_screening problem for Francis Turbine Optimization
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Berk Can
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Dear all,

I am trying to optimize a Francis Turbine with NUMECA. I have the inlet and outlet BCs. But these conditions are valid for the passage which includes also stay vane and guide vane not only runner. Meanwhile, I only optimize the runner. Therefore, after meshing, first I made a CFD analysis with all parts and got the result. Then, I follow the Design3D tutorial for Rotor37 optimization.

In the blade fitting phase, I got confused which one I need to choose for the parametric template because there is not one for francis. At that point, I followed two ways. First, I chose centrifugal compressor and modified it according to my geometry. Then, I passed to CFD screening after creating .par file. For computation management, I choose 3D associated computation and my CFD analysis came directly. I chose the mesh file... etc. and when I started in new CFD analysis, there was always an error. Does the reason come from the choose of centrifugal compressor or may there be something else?

Second way I followed is to skip blade fitting part because in the meshing part a .par file was already created. And, in the CFD screening, I give this .par file as an input to the program and the rest is the same with previous way. But, this time there is a problem in meshing . It is said that mesh file is not compliant with geometry file.

I also tried to use 3D wizard option in CFD screening, to utilize reference geomturbo file option in mesh generation and to create my own parametric template in AutoBlade. However, I couldnt achieve to complete my optimization. Can the reason behind it be the three blade that I have in flow passage? Although I fit the blade just for runner, in 3D associated computation I introduced the CFD analysis for the whole passage (actually it is automatic I couldnt choose one).

If you have any idea and/or suggestion, I will be happy to hear it.
Thank you.
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Old   February 17, 2014, 16:19
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Hamid Zoka
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Could you please give the error massage shown in the Design3D?

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Old   February 19, 2014, 08:48
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Berk Can
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When I followed the process I described as "Second way I followed is to skip blade fitting part because in the meshing part a .par file was already created. And, in the CFD screening, I give this .par file as an input to the program and the rest is the same with previous way." , I got the following error: "AutoGrid template for mesh '_mesh' does not seem compliant with the geometry file. Please check the associated .trb file or geomTurbo settings for output names!".

When I created my own template in Autoblade and went on same steps with that, I got the same error: "AutoGrid template for mesh '_mesh' does not seem compliant with the geometry file. Please check the associated .trb file or geomTurbo settings for output names!". But, if I also choose Reference geomTurbo file option and choose the file path of geomTurbo file in mesh folder, then the error is "DESIGN3D : RUN TIME ERROR" and explanation is "DESIGN3D STOPPED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING ERROR CFView failed during the processing of a macro. Please check the log file to know which macro is involved."
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Old   February 22, 2014, 13:08
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Hamid Zoka
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Note that your geomturbo and par files should be identical.
open your *.par file in Autoblade, export a *.geomturbo file and then generate your mesh with it. after generating mesh file (i.e. igg file) you should have a run file linked correctly with this igg file.
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cfd screening, design3d, francis turbine, optimization

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