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Problem with Fluent to Ensight for large transient simulations

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Old   December 18, 2020, 08:56
Default Problem with Fluent to Ensight for large transient simulations
dab bence
Join Date: Mar 2013
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Exporting an ensight case gold file from fluent works well. However, with large simulation, the export process adds many hours onto the simulation time. I found that ticking the “EnSight Parallel” option in the fluent export window speeds up the process considerably.

However, I cant find a way to load the files into EnSight (2020.r2) without fatal errors. Fluent creates a subdirectory with as many .encas files as there are cpu cores. (cnode_0.encas , cnode_1.encas etc)

If I load the set of encas files by specifying “cnode_*.encas” as the filename, I get the following error:-

Error ERROR: Error> {s1:1} readensight_file_descrip() in geom.c:1215
of EnSight Server 2020 R2:
Error ERROR: ensight error; type=Error no= 3 (00000003)
Error ERROR: Reading geom file description line
Error ERROR:
Error reading data.

Error from dr_do_read2().

If I use the “multiple file interface” button and add to list “cnode_*.encas”. I get the same error.

As I am trying to perform a task that practically everyone else needs to do, I can only imagine there is some step I don’t know about. Should this method work ? Perhaps “ensight parallel” is not supported with moving meshes ?

Any advice would be appreciated.
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Old   June 29, 2023, 21:21
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Cypher is on a distinguished road
This is just some house cleaning for others who (like myself) were struggling with the EnSight transient import issues. The OP did find a solution on the ANSYS Learning forum, which is honestly surprising given my experience with that forum.

Anyway, the full answer can be found here:

The short answer: Beware unticking the box that says: Separate files for each Time Step
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