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Creating a transient .case file

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Old   November 27, 2020, 11:11
Default Creating a transient .case file
New Member
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 6
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i have many different .case files (each for a single different timestep).
Is there a way to create a transient .case file which combines all these single .case files?

A single .case file i use, looks something like this:

type: ensight gold

model: ENSI_4080000001.GEO
measured: ENSI_4080000001.MGEO

vector per element: SVEL ENSI_4080000001.SVEL
scalar per element: P ENSI_4080000001.P
scalar per element: PTER ENSI_4080000001.PTER
scalar per element: TE ENSI_4080000001.TE
scalar per element: ED ENSI_4080000001.ED
scalar per element: VIS ENSI_4080000001.VIS
scalar per element: T ENSI_4080000001.T
scalar per element: H ENSI_4080000001.H
scalar per element: DENS ENSI_4080000001.DENS
scalar per element: CP_M ENSI_4080000001.CP_M
scalar per element: CP ENSI_4080000001.CP
scalar per element: CONC_001 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_001
scalar per element: CONC_002 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_002
scalar per element: CONC_003 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_003
scalar per element: CONC_004 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_004
scalar per element: CONC_005 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_005
scalar per element: CONC_006 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_006
scalar per element: CONC_007 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_007
scalar per element: CONC_008 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_008
scalar per element: CONC_009 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_009
scalar per element: CONC_010 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_010
scalar per element: CONC_011 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_011
scalar per element: CONC_012 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_012
scalar per element: CONC_013 ENSI_4080000001.CONC_013
scalar per element: MF_001 ENSI_4080000001.MF_001
scalar per element: MF_002 ENSI_4080000001.MF_002
scalar per element: MF_003 ENSI_4080000001.MF_003
scalar per element: MF_004 ENSI_4080000001.MF_004
scalar per element: MF_005 ENSI_4080000001.MF_005
scalar per element: MF_006 ENSI_4080000001.MF_006
scalar per element: MF_007 ENSI_4080000001.MF_007
scalar per element: MF_008 ENSI_4080000001.MF_008
scalar per element: MF_009 ENSI_4080000001.MF_009
scalar per element: MF_010 ENSI_4080000001.MF_010
scalar per element: MF_011 ENSI_4080000001.MF_011
scalar per element: MF_012 ENSI_4080000001.MF_012
scalar per element: MF_013 ENSI_4080000001.MF_013
scalar per element: VOID ENSI_4080000001.VOID
scalar per element: PROC_NO ENSI_4080000001.PROC_NO
vector per measured node: MVEL ENSI_4080000001.MVEL
scalar per measured node: MDEN ENSI_4080000001.MDEN
scalar per measured node: MDIA ENSI_4080000001.MDIA
scalar per measured node: MMAS ENSI_4080000001.MMAS
scalar per measured node: MCOU ENSI_4080000001.MCOU
scalar per measured node: MT ENSI_4080000001.MT
scalar per measured node: MTYP ENSI_4080000001.MTYP

Thanks a lot
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