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Exporting Gradient

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Old   March 24, 2017, 14:46
Default Exporting Gradient
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Wolfgang Black
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I was wondering if its possible to export a field variable. For example, I want to take the gradient of pressure, and then export it to a text file through all times. I don't want to take the max or min with respect to time, but I need the variable at all locations through all time steps.

is this possible?

Thanks for the help
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Old   March 24, 2017, 22:22
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Kevin Colburn
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Yes, you can export any variable you'd like, including field variables (per node or per element). The general capability would be to calculate the variable you need, select the parts you want them exported for, and go to the File -- > Export -- > Geometric Entities. There are a few different formats which you can choose from.

If you had nodal variable, and desired just a list of nodal locations with their nodal value, then I'd suggest using the "Flatfile" format, and to toggle OFF the "binary" file option. This will write a comma separated text file, one line per node of the selected part(s). You can export Elemental variables in a similar fashion as well with the text "CELLID" in the Parameter field of that export dialog.

Newer versions of EnSight allow for a "Simple Client Export", which contains connectivity information if that was something you needed to also export.

Finally, in that same dialog, you can export to EnSight Case Gold format as well (which is open/documented/readable).

All of the above variation have the option to write out over a specified timestep range for transient datasets.

Should you have more questions, please feel free to reach out to your local EnSight Representative or Support ( for more specific/tailored assistance.

Kevin Colburn
Computational Engineering International, Inc.
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