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Data export - temporal average of HTC and Temp with locations (x,y,z)

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Old   December 12, 2016, 18:28
Default Data export - temporal average of HTC and Temp with locations (x,y,z)
Join Date: Apr 2012
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kri321shna is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I am running simulations in converge and i have ensight license also.
- I want to export information of location (x, y, z) and htc and boundary_temp
- All 5 variables in single file
- the htc and temperatures will be temporal averaged of all my transient run

I can able to get the above data wrt time. but i want temporal average.

Can you please suggest somebody, how to solve this.

Thank you.

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Old   December 12, 2016, 22:38
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Kevin Colburn
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If using the default mode in Converge, you have the AMR active. With AMR, the grid can/will change from timestep to timestep/iteration to iteration. If the grid changes, then there is no direct manner to have a temporal average, as the grid is not consistent (on which to take an average over time).

If the grid is not changing with respect to time, then you can use the Calculator Function "TempMean()" which is short for Temporal Mean. This will generate a new variable field, which is the temporal average, which you can then export as you did for the other variables.

If the grid is changing, but the surface shape remains fixed, then you can export out a single timestep of the wall surface (File -- > Export -- > Geometric Entities -- > Case Gold), with only a single timestep exported. You can then read this single (and therefore fixed grid) back in as Case 2. You can then use the CaseMap to map the variables from Case 1 (changing connectivity) onto Case 2 (fixed grid). Once onto Case 2's grid, you can use the TempMean() function on Case 2 to calculate the temporal mean of the interpolated (CaseMap) value.

There is some additional information here :

Kevin Colburn
Computational Engineering International, Inc.
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