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Splitting Regions in a Clip

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Old   July 27, 2015, 07:33
Exclamation Splitting Regions in a Clip
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Tiago Rocha
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I have ran a simulation of a formula type car and I want to know the mass flow rate going through the sidepods to understand how much air the radiators are actually getting in order to satisfy the cooling needs.

Problem is, when I use the Clip tool, it cuts the entire 3D domain, and I'm only interested in the section area at the entrance of the sidepods. So, the question is, is there any way I can split the domain clip in several regions, so that I'm able to compute the mass flow rate through the sidepod inlet only?

Best regards
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Old   July 27, 2015, 14:53
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Marina Galvagni
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When you create a clip, you have different options. You can select the clip tool to use (cylinder / sphere / plane / ...), you can set what kind of domain you want (intersect/inside/outside/...) and, if you're using a plane clip, you can select if you want a Finite or Infinite clip.
According to what you're saying, it appears that you want to create a clip with the tool = plane, domain = intersect and clip extend = finite. This will give you only a subset of the model part that is 2D elements whose extension corresponds to the plane tool. You can set the plane tool in the location and with the dimensions you need to take into account only the area you're interested in.

For more information on the flow calculation itself, you can give a look at this FAQ on our support website:

Please let us know if you have more questions, or this isn't what you were looking for.
Best Regards,

Marina Galvagni
CEI Software Support Engineer
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clip plane, ensight, formula student, mass flow rate

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