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batch- vs. "normal" mode

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Old   November 24, 2014, 05:54
Default batch- vs. "normal" mode
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I have a questian according to the difference between batch- and "normal" mode by using ensight 9.2.1

Is there any attention to be given by me, when I run it in batch mode?
I ask, because my generated pictures look like wanted, if I run it in "normal" mode. But if I run in batch, my surface group (which should be hidden) is not hidden and I have them on my pictures as well:

I've created a Ensight Script in Ensights' command language.
It loads my .case file, selects and hides the internal mesh there. Next it groups all surfaces followed by the hiding of this new surface group.
Later on I do some Clip planes and generate pictures by using the key frame function.
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Old   November 25, 2014, 10:32
Default Batch vs. Normal Mode
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Kevin Colburn
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In theory, there should be no difference in output between running with the -batch and running in normal mode. Batch just never pops up the GUI, but all else should repeat. In theory. Particularly if both modes of running are using the same playback of script (both using the same .enc command files).

If you are seeing differences between these two modes of running, there may be a bug or mishandling of some specification used by the command file. So, there are a couple of options available to you:

a. There have been quite a few fixes since 9.2.1, so updating to a more recent version may actually have solved the issue.
b. If you are able to share the .enc file, we might be able to figure out what portion is perhaps not being handled the same between the modes, and can perhaps adjust that routine to utilize a method which repeats in both modes. It sounds like it the handling of the group mechanism which is causing the issue (if the group is not made, then trying to turn it off later will not turn off).

We'd be glad to help out. You can use my email below if you want to send the information directly to me, or contact me directly.

Kevin Colburn
Computational Engineering International, Inc.
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batch mode, hidden, surface group

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