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Removing individual voxels in Ensight

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Old   October 1, 2014, 16:27
Default Removing individual voxels in Ensight
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egunther is on a distinguished road
Hi there,

I'm using Ensight 10 to look at blood flow using 4D MRI. I'm trying to isolate a certain part of the cardiac anatomy, and as you can imagine, parts of the heart don't always fit perfectly into cylinders and boxes. Aside from these tools and the "inside" clip option, is there any way in Ensight to select and exclude certain voxels from a part? In my case, I have generated an isovolume of a band of velocities which creates a mask of the main pulmonary artery, however, the aortic arch is very close to the MPA and shares the same range of velocities so it's very difficult for me to isolate the pulmonary artery without getting aortic noise in the volume as well. I'd like to simply select the voxels that are aortic by visual inspection and remove them from my part to clean up my analysis. I can't seem to find an efficient way to do this beyond repeatedly zooming in and using the cube tool. I've tried using the element blanking tool as well but can't seem to find a way to make that blanking permanent, the values are still present just not visible. I'm hoping this is something straight forward that I'm just completely missing as it seems like a fairly basic operation to be included.

Thanks in advance for you input,
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Old   October 3, 2014, 16:01
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Eric O'Connell
Join Date: Mar 2014
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EOConnell is on a distinguished road
Hi Eric,

Unfortunately there is no way to turn off pathlines/streamlines that appear to be out of a certain artery. What some people do is reduce the number of pathlines/streamlines being emitted to make it look cleaner or use a segmentation software called Mimics.

I hope that helps. If not feel free to email me.
Eric O’Connell
Extreme Simulation Software
Analyze, Visualize, Communicate
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