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overlapping surface faces

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Old   July 24, 2013, 18:59
Default overlapping surface faces
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 36
Rep Power: 15
atg is on a distinguished road

Having trouble finding the overlapping faces here

Maybe I am doing something wrong in paraview; I foamToVTK and then paraFoam it.

I think I need to modify the stl as this always seems to happen when I create the surface mesh for this file. The stl is watertight and is from Rhino. Maybe where the trailing edge meets the symmetry plane it should be squared off?
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Old   July 24, 2013, 20:09
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 36
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atg is on a distinguished road
Oops never mind. It writes the overlapped cells as a boundary code so I can view them right in engrid.

The overlap was close to the leading edge halfway down the span for some reason. I will mesh it some more and see if the problem goes away.

Engrid seems to improve all the time. Either that or I just keep discovering what it can do...


Originally Posted by atg View Post

Having trouble finding the overlapping faces here

Maybe I am doing something wrong in paraview; I foamToVTK and then paraFoam it.

I think I need to modify the stl as this always seems to happen when I create the surface mesh for this file. The stl is watertight and is from Rhino. Maybe where the trailing edge meets the symmetry plane it should be squared off?
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Old   July 27, 2013, 14:13
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 36
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atg is on a distinguished road
OK so what's the preferred method for removing the overlapping faces in engrid? I've tried switching the cell ID tags on to specify them manually and delete, but it slows the display rendering down a huge amount and even at maximum magnification I cannot read the label on the little cells in question, which are on the leading edge.

I don't know of a way to delete an entire boundary code within engrid.

I suppose I can just delete the set when the openfaces boundary code is exported to openFoam. But then I will likely have holes to fill.

Or export the file back to blender and try manually deleting and filling the holes there, then re-import.

It would be great if I could prevent overlapping faces to begin with; they seem to appear in strange places, like in the middle of the leading edge. I have tried deleting the duplicate stl vertices in blender prior to begc export, but that makes the mesh non-watertight.

What methods do people generally use for this? Thanks in advance.
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