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Simulation Of Dielectric Elastomer Actuator in ANSYS APDL

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Old   February 8, 2021, 07:14
Default Simulation Of Dielectric Elastomer Actuator in ANSYS APDL
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Dear all,

I need to simulate the behavior of Dielectric Elastomer Actuator (DEA) under various voltages and frequencies. The material I am investigating is SYLGARD 184 and I have the Stress and strain data for (uniaxial test only) to be used for identifying the material in ANSYS APDL using the curve fitting method. I have been looking for answers for so long but with out any luck, so I am hoping you can advice me in what to do and it is my first time to simulate DEAs.

What I want to achieve from the simulation is to investigate the effect of various voltages, frequencies and pre-stretching on the DEA and to find out the degree of contraction an elastomer film could reach in regards to its thickness and the film's degree of expansion in plane direction. Then I compare the result of the simulation with the experimental result.

I have already started with simulation and now I am a bit lost in how to do the following:
First question, how I can assign perfect electrodes with zero resistance and negligible thickness that can expand freely without affecting the elastomer actuation? (The Electrodes are placed at the center of the elastomer)


Can I neglect the electrodes and just apply the voltage directly to the Dielectric elastomer (on Nodes) in 20 cm diameter at the center? Just to clarify neglecting the electrodes is fine and it will not affect the result of the simulation I think. usually in simulation of Dielectric elastomer Actuator journals they neglect the electrodes for simplicity purposes.

Second question, what are the structural and electrical boundary conditions I should apply to my dielectric elastomer

I have attached a photo of the DEA for your reference. The dimensions of the DEA are, Length =60cm, Width=60cm, electrodes= 20cm in diameter (in the center) and thickness of the elastomer sheet is = 0.05cm. forget to mention I need to preform my simulation in ANSYS APDL

Your help is much appreciated.

Best Wishes,
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apdl command, dielectric elastomer, simulation in ansys

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