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Y+ Reccomendation

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Old   August 23, 2023, 19:03
Default Y+ Reccomendation
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Abdalrazik EssamAldin
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Hello all,

I am running a jet flow from a nozzle simulation, where I am interested in turbulence measurements of the jet flow outside the nozzle. However, I need to capture the wall effect as it influences the development of the shear layer in the jet. I am running my simulation with LES and using the recommended Werner & Wengle model, but I just need any recommendations for the targeted y+ value, if applicable.

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Old   September 1, 2023, 17:07
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Shengbai Xie
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For LES with the Werner-Wengle model, actually there is no recommended range of y+, as long as the first cell is not beyond the inertial subrange. The upper limit of the inertial subrange is flow-condition dependent (i.e., it increases with the Reynolds number), but roughly speaking, for an industrial spray case, it is fine to have y+ about O(100). However, it is always a good idea to have a grid sensitivity test.

I hope it is helpful.

Originally Posted by AEAli View Post
Hello all,

I am running a jet flow from a nozzle simulation, where I am interested in turbulence measurements of the jet flow outside the nozzle. However, I need to capture the wall effect as it influences the development of the shear layer in the jet. I am running my simulation with LES and using the recommended Werner & Wengle model, but I just need any recommendations for the targeted y+ value, if applicable.

Shengbai Xie, Ph.D.
Senior research engineer, Application

(608) 230-1563
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law of wall, wall modelling, y-plus

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