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how to debugg example UDFs

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Old   December 29, 2021, 08:57
Default how to debugg example UDFs
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Hi, everyone,

I'm using Visual Studio 2022 for debugging CONVERGE 3.0 udf example codes which contain code like "CONVERGE_logger_debug("Setting user absorbtion coefficient")". I know this API means logging a message to be printed when logging in a debug build. After loading my working directory into Microsoft Visual Studio 2022, and I try to debug(not compile to converge_udf.dll library) the example code, there will be errors shown in the picture. I think I have built the environment successfully and included everything in the installation directory.Could anyone point the mistake or show me the correct workflow for debugging example udf codes?

PS: I can compile udf codes successfully and execute my desired udfs in CONVERGE simulation by learning from advanced videos named "User-Defined Functions" at the URL: "". However I want to know how to debug "absorption_coef.c" and see the printed log message like "Calling user_output_setup" or "Setting user absorbtion coefficient".

Thanks for your response.
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Old   December 30, 2021, 19:15
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Yu Zhang
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Hi Hengliu,

I can compile and build the same example UDF (v3.0.23 solver) using Visual Studio 2019 in both "debug" and "release" modes, and generate the corresponding "converge_udf.dll" library.

Regarding the error message, I am wondering if you copied the required "CMakeLists" file (and correcting the path in the file) into your working directory? To see more details about how to compile the CONVERGE UDF in Windows, please go to "" and review the "CONVERGE 3.0 UDF manual".

In general, to see the log message like "Calling user_output_setup" specified with the "CONVERGE_logger_debug" API, you need to "debug" build the "converge_udf.dll" library, run the CONVERGE solver with the UDF library, and those messages will be printed out in the log file.

Besides, since you cannot run a dll directly and it must be called by an application (e.g. a .exe), therefore, to debug a UDF, you need to compile and build the UDF in "debug" mode, run the CONVERGE solver with the UDF and attach the debugger to the solver (or launching the solver using the debugger).

Hope it helps to clarify some of your concerns. If you have any further concerns, please contact your local CONVERGE support team.

Yu Zhang, Ph.D.
Research Engineer - Applications
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Old   January 1, 2022, 05:05
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Thanks for your relpy,

I added "set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug”)" in "CMakeLists" files and built the "converge_udf.dll" in "debug" mode successfully. After running the CONVERGE solver with that library, there isn't any log message like "Calling user_output_setup" in the "converge.log" file while my udf codes can run and write the "user_smd_inj0.out" file normally.

Besides, could you show more details about how to "attach the debugger to the solver (or launching the solver using the debugger)".

Thanks for your response.
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Old   January 3, 2022, 14:59
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Yu Zhang
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Regarding the output, can you set "output_control > log_level " to 3 in and re-run the case? If your "log_level" is 1, then the log message will not be printed out.

Regarding your second question, it depends on which debugger you are using. If you were using Visual Studio, I found this tutorial is quite useful
" n"

I hope it helps. If you have any further concerns, please contact your local CONVERGE support team.
Yu Zhang, Ph.D.
Research Engineer - Applications

Last edited by alexzhangyu; January 4, 2022 at 18:45.
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