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Mapping in Converge

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Old   May 9, 2020, 12:37
Default Mapping in Converge
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Pablo Ferrante
Join Date: May 2020
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Hi, I'm sorry if my question will be quite commonplace. I'm a mechanical engineering student and I'm trying to learn how to use Converge Studio 2.4 (it's the first CFD software I ever used, so I'm a complete beginner). I've simulated an example case, and now I'm trying to play with the injectors location. I've heard that mapping is a "tool" that allows to save time for the new simulation (which is the same to the previous example case, except for the injectors location). I've tried to search on the web and on the Converge Manual how to do it, but I don't have understood the steps: so, if someone can help me I'll be very grateful. Thank you for your time,
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Old   May 11, 2020, 02:45
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Join Date: May 2016
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MFGT is on a distinguished road
What I understand is that you would simulate an engine cycle up to start of injection, and then do variations of injector location, right?

So for that, you could use a) restart
or b) mapping (with restart or mapfile)

first part of cycle, gas exchange until injection:
-540 to -270°CA

then continue with multiple variations from:
-270 to +180°CA

Differences between mapping and restart:
restart has storred cell count information, you can not modify geometry when using restart option and output files have restart number attached to it. You can combine original case and restarted cases to a single new case.

Mapping on the other hand is more or less putting a "data cloud" over your domain and initialize from that. AMR cells for example won't be directly considered at initialization. But you can shift, modify the data or initialize only certain regions. Restart mapping includes parcels already (bit is linked to same gridscale), when you work with single map files you have gaseous data and parcels seperated in files (map.out and spary_map.out). Simulation output is treated as individual cases without numbers attached.

You could use it for example to run an coarse "gridscale -1" initalization cycle and map the result as initialization for your first fine cycle.
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converge case setup, converge cfd, mapping

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