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Warnings and error

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Old   June 27, 2017, 13:46
Default Warnings and error
Rajat soni
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 32
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Hello Everyone,

I got some warnings and errors during the Simulation. I am doing LES simulations from 270-750 CA°.
The warnings are as followed.

1. While in LES simulation: automatically output logic_i, j and k in post files.
2. Rank 2,4 and 6 has no region to deal with in last time step.
3. Variable dt_max has been changed from 8.333333e-05 to 1.000000e- 04. Continuing with the new value.


1. hypre_BiCGSTABSolve: INFs and/or NaNs detected in Input.
2. Something is wrong in function get_temp_from_table_massfrac: upper_energy_value must be greater than lower_energy_value!
upper_energy_value is -nan, and lower_energy_value is -nan.

after the second error, job was aborted at 343 CAD at which no event is taking place.

Please have a look and explain the warning and errors with solutions.

Kind Regards
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Old   June 29, 2017, 12:56
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Jerome Le Moine
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1. While in LES simulation: automatically output logic_i, j and k in post files. This is needed to calculate some statistics like RMS and AVG of some variables
2. Rank 2,4 and 6 has no region to deal with in last time step. This is a warning about the fact that there are few ranks/processors with no cells on them which could be a problem if there are too many cells on other ranks which could slow down your simulation.
3. Variable dt_max has been changed from 8.333333e-05 to 1.000000e- 04. Continuing with the new value. The dt_max got modified and the logfile shows that modification.

1. hypre_BiCGSTABSolve: INFs and/or NaNs detected in Input.
2. Something is wrong in function get_temp_from_table_massfrac: upper_energy_value must be greater than lower_energy_value!
upper_energy_value is -nan, and lower_energy_value is -nan.

The pressure or momentum blew up which causing the error 2 where energy blows up as well. Because of those errors the code cannot recover and exits out. It seems that you are running an engine type of simulation and we recommend using SOR instead of BiCGStab. It is unclear why the pressure or momentum blew up but I would recommend rerunning your case with our default settings for the and see if that solves the problem.
Jerome Le Moine
Support/Application Engineer
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Old   June 29, 2017, 14:15
Rajat soni
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 32
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Hi Jerome,

Thanks for the help!

I noticed that in the pressure solver was set equal to 1 (i.e. BiCGSTAB) . Now, I have changed it to SOR and the simulation is running. I hope it will work. Fingers crossed

Kind Regards
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error, infs nans, no region to deal, warning, wrong get_temp function

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