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Material Properties in COMSOL for different domains with different physics

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Old   March 5, 2013, 09:23
Default Material Properties in COMSOL for different domains with different physics
New Member
Folke Charlotte Noertemann
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Dear All,
this is not really a question as I have found a way to solve it; it is more that I'd like to know whether I am on the wrong track or not:

I am working on a project with conjugate heat transfer. There is a region with gas which needs to be treated as a fluid and another region containing the same gas in which for technical reasons only heat transfer is considered. Playing with material properties from different references, I introduced a second 'k' within the material, renaming the old one to sth. else. I noticed then, that the new k was known to the fluid calculation vut not to the purely thermal one even though on both domains the same material was used.
I got rid of the problem by introducing a new material with a new k (instead of using one material with two k's by naming and renaming), so everything is fine now.
I would like to know whether by this way I was sort of going against the grain with COMSOL and whether anybody else has ever encountered this.
Best regards!
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comsol, conjugate heat transfer, material properties

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