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CFX User Fortran: Particle User Sources

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Old   March 8, 2012, 09:31
Default CFX User Fortran: Particle User Sources
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 18
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hustxinxin is on a distinguished road
Hello, everyone, It's my first time to come here. I have several questions to be solved, which have bog me down for many weeks. Before I come accross these problems, I spent several weeks to install my fortran compiler, and the following softwares works well on Windows XP, with some turtorals accomplished sucessfully.
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6
Microsoft Platform SDK February 2003
I want to add lift force to the particles within the Lagrangian Tracking Model use Particle User Sources. There is an example which is intended for demonstration purposes to calculate a Schiller-Naumann drag force in the UserFortran directory. The routine is intended to calculate the drag force over all of the locations in space, or in RET(1:NLOC. 1), but why RET(1, 1) is the return variables in the example routine, butRET(NLOC. 1)? The subroutine returns the source(3) for the drag force in three dimension x, y, z, why not source(NLOC, 3) for each point in space using a loop?
Then, I can generate a shared librarie by input "cfx5mkext TStat_Control.F" in the command line and run CFX very well, but when I compile it in my compiler, there occurs an error said "C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v110\CFX\include\stack_point.h(21) : Error: Syntax error, found ',' when expecting one of: ( : % . = =>" . How does it happy?
And in my routine for the lift force, it aways says "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _USER_GETVAR@40".
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