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Wall Transfer Coefficien - Heat Transfer Coefficient - CFX

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Old   November 2, 2011, 18:49
Default Wall Transfer Coefficien - Heat Transfer Coefficient - CFX
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Join Date: Oct 2011
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Gargioni is on a distinguished road
Dear friends,

I have simulated the flow in a simple geometry (like 2 paralel walls - "2,5D" case).
My BC are (for laminar flow):

In - low velocity and fixed temperature;
Wall - no slip and fixed temperature;
Out - Openning with static pressure.

In CFX-Post:
I have created a line in wall position, through the length.
When I plot the variable (Wall Transfer Coefficien), the value found isn't the value hoped. 1) Why this happen?

But when I take the Heat Flow "q" (in same line created) and temperature average of section "Tav" (with formulas in own CFX-Post)... I can obtain "h" correctly: q /(Tw-Tav) = h

2) Why "q" is correct, but "h" isn't?

3) How can I obtain "h" directly?

4) I have seen thread about that. Some users has talked about reference temperature.. But I don't understand that...
Someone can explain it for me? and how can I change this reference temperature?

I'm starting to study the CFD world...

Thanks in advance everyone.
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Old   November 2, 2011, 21:58
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
I would start by working through this FAQ:
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Old   November 2, 2011, 23:25
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First of all, thanks for answer.
I liked the link! There are a lot of good things over there!

but... don't worry... I have done all steps, mainly for to learn how the software works.

My results aren't inaccurate. I'm using: RMS = 10^-09 and highresolution for advection and couple velocity-pressure. The simulation doesn't need great adjustments.. So highresolution scheme is good.

I have problem just with Heat Transfer Coefficient, even the "q" seem is right.

The manual doesn't let clear about "h". There said some thing about: "... using an external heat transfer coefficient, hc...".

As am I getting the value of "q" correct, while the value of "h" seem being wrong? How can I obtain the truly value of "h"?

*I did the same simulation on FLUENT software and I obtained the "h" correct there!

Last edited by Gargioni; November 2, 2011 at 23:34. Reason: I forgot some things =/
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Old   November 2, 2011, 23:49
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
There is more to accuracy than convergence tolerance and differencing scheme.

h is referenced to a ambient temperature. By default CFX uses a function of the local fluid temperature which is usually quite different to the engineering definition (which is usually inlet temperature or far field temperature).

To get h as engineers understand it have a look in the output file. There is a discussion in there about HTC reference temperatures and how to define your own temperature.
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Old   November 3, 2011, 00:25
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"There is more to accuracy than convergence tolerance and differencing scheme." I said just for let clear that I don't have problems with accuracy.

May you help me to find this thread about HTC?

Thanks in advance =]
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Old   November 3, 2011, 00:28
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
It is in the output file. Have a look in your simulation. It is not a thread, but there are plenty of threads in the forum which have discussed the issue.
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Old   November 4, 2011, 16:34
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Gargioni is on a distinguished road
I changed the expert parameter tbulk for htc. And I think CFX considers the tbulk value like constant

How I said:
I have simulated the flow in a simple geometry, like 2 paralel walls - "2,5D" case. I have created a line in wall position, through the length, for captures the "h", however the value of "tbulk" is variable along the length.

What can I do when the tbulk value isn't constant?
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Old   November 6, 2011, 05:57
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
If you have set the tbulk parameter then tbulk will be constant and the value you define, otherwise it will depend on local flow conditions.

You can easily extract h for a constant tbulk anyway. The local tbulk temperature used is an available variable, so between that and the wall heat transfer variable you can calculate h based on any tbulk you like.
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Old   March 7, 2012, 01:19
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I solved my problem... doing a CEL routine.
Gregory T. Gargioni ------><>
E-mail: gargionis <at> gmail "dot" com
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Old   April 15, 2013, 08:46
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TrII4d is on a distinguished road
maybe u can give a short summary of the steps which u made to help me?
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Old   October 24, 2017, 15:02
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!$Zposi = 0.4;
!$TBulkZ = $Zposi*20;

!for ($i=1; $i<89; $i++) {
!$Xposi[$i] = $a;

!for ($i=1; $i<89; $i++) {
PLANE: Teste.$i
Option = XY Plane
Z = $Xposi[$i]
Colour Mode = Variable
Colour Variable = Temperature
Range = Local

!$Tbulk[$i] = massFlowAve("Temperature","Teste.$i");
!$q[$i] = massFlowAve("Wall Heat Flux","Teste.$i");

!for ($i=1; $i<41; $i++) {
!$Yposi[$i] = $b;

!for ($i=1; $i<41; $i++) {
POINT: Point.$i
Option = XYZ
Point = 0.0, $Yposi[$i], $Zposi
Colour Mode = Variable
Colour Variable = Temperature
Range = Global
!$T[$i] = maxVal("Temperature","Point.$i");
!$Tadm[$i] = ($Tw-$T[$i])/($Tw-$Tbulk[$TBulkZ])

$Tbulk[1] $q[1] $h[1] $Xposi[1]
$Tbulk[2] $q[2] $h[2] $Xposi[2]
$Tbulk[3] $q[3] $h[3] $Xposi[3]
$Tbulk[4] $q[4] $h[4] $Xposi[4]
$Tbulk[5] $q[5] $h[5] $Xposi[5]
$Tbulk[6] $q[6] $h[6] $Xposi[6]
$Tbulk[7] $q[7] $h[7] $Xposi[7]
$Tbulk[8] $q[8] $h[8] $Xposi[8]
$Tbulk[9] $q[9] $h[9] $Xposi[9]
$Tbulk[10] $q[10] $h[10] $Xposi[10]
$Tbulk[11] $q[11] $h[11] $Xposi[11]
$Tbulk[12] $q[12] $h[12] $Xposi[12]
$Tbulk[13] $q[13] $h[13] $Xposi[13]
$Tbulk[14] $q[14] $h[14] $Xposi[14]
$Tbulk[15] $q[15] $h[15] $Xposi[15]
$Tbulk[16] $q[16] $h[16] $Xposi[16]
$Tbulk[17] $q[17] $h[17] $Xposi[17]
$Tbulk[18] $q[18] $h[18] $Xposi[18]
$Tbulk[19] $q[19] $h[19] $Xposi[19]
$Tbulk[20] $q[20] $h[20] $Xposi[20]
$Tbulk[21] $q[21] $h[21] $Xposi[21]
$Tbulk[22] $q[22] $h[22] $Xposi[22]
$Tbulk[23] $q[23] $h[23] $Xposi[23]
$Tbulk[24] $q[24] $h[24] $Xposi[24]
$Tbulk[25] $q[25] $h[25] $Xposi[25]
$Tbulk[26] $q[26] $h[26] $Xposi[26]
$Tbulk[27] $q[27] $h[27] $Xposi[27]
$Tbulk[28] $q[28] $h[28] $Xposi[28]
$Tbulk[29] $q[29] $h[29] $Xposi[29]
$Tbulk[30] $q[30] $h[30] $Xposi[30]
$Tbulk[31] $q[31] $h[31] $Xposi[31]
$Tbulk[32] $q[32] $h[32] $Xposi[32]
$Tbulk[33] $q[33] $h[33] $Xposi[33]
$Tbulk[34] $q[34] $h[34] $Xposi[34]
$Tbulk[35] $q[35] $h[35] $Xposi[35]
$Tbulk[36] $q[36] $h[36] $Xposi[36]
$Tbulk[37] $q[37] $h[37] $Xposi[37]
$Tbulk[38] $q[38] $h[38] $Xposi[38]
$Tbulk[39] $q[39] $h[39] $Xposi[39]
$Tbulk[40] $q[40] $h[40] $Xposi[40]
$Tbulk[41] $q[41] $h[41] $Xposi[41]
$Tbulk[42] $q[42] $h[42] $Xposi[42]
$Tbulk[43] $q[43] $h[43] $Xposi[43]
$Tbulk[44] $q[44] $h[44] $Xposi[44]
$Tbulk[45] $q[45] $h[45] $Xposi[45]
$Tbulk[46] $q[46] $h[46] $Xposi[46]
$Tbulk[47] $q[47] $h[47] $Xposi[47]
$Tbulk[48] $q[48] $h[48] $Xposi[48]
$Tbulk[49] $q[49] $h[49] $Xposi[49]
$Tbulk[50] $q[50] $h[50] $Xposi[50]
$Tbulk[51] $q[51] $h[51] $Xposi[51]
$Tbulk[52] $q[52] $h[52] $Xposi[52]
$Tbulk[53] $q[53] $h[53] $Xposi[53]
$Tbulk[54] $q[54] $h[54] $Xposi[54]
$Tbulk[55] $q[55] $h[55] $Xposi[55]
$Tbulk[56] $q[56] $h[56] $Xposi[56]
$Tbulk[57] $q[57] $h[57] $Xposi[57]
$Tbulk[58] $q[58] $h[58] $Xposi[58]
$Tbulk[59] $q[59] $h[59] $Xposi[59]
$Tbulk[60] $q[60] $h[60] $Xposi[60]
$Tbulk[61] $q[61] $h[61] $Xposi[61]
$Tbulk[62] $q[62] $h[62] $Xposi[62]
$Tbulk[63] $q[63] $h[63] $Xposi[63]
$Tbulk[64] $q[64] $h[64] $Xposi[64]
$Tbulk[65] $q[65] $h[65] $Xposi[65]
$Tbulk[66] $q[66] $h[66] $Xposi[66]
$Tbulk[67] $q[67] $h[67] $Xposi[67]
$Tbulk[68] $q[68] $h[68] $Xposi[68]
$Tbulk[69] $q[69] $h[69] $Xposi[69]
$Tbulk[70] $q[70] $h[70] $Xposi[70]
$Tbulk[71] $q[71] $h[71] $Xposi[71]
$Tbulk[72] $q[72] $h[72] $Xposi[72]
$Tbulk[73] $q[73] $h[73] $Xposi[73]
$Tbulk[74] $q[74] $h[74] $Xposi[74]
$Tbulk[75] $q[75] $h[75] $Xposi[75]
$Tbulk[76] $q[76] $h[76] $Xposi[76]
$Tbulk[77] $q[77] $h[77] $Xposi[77]
$Tbulk[78] $q[78] $h[78] $Xposi[78]
$Tbulk[79] $q[79] $h[79] $Xposi[79]
$Tbulk[80] $q[80] $h[80] $Xposi[80]
$Tbulk[81] $q[81] $h[81] $Xposi[81]
$Tbulk[82] $q[82] $h[82] $Xposi[82]
$Tbulk[83] $q[83] $h[83] $Xposi[83]
$Tbulk[84] $q[84] $h[84] $Xposi[84]
$Tbulk[85] $q[85] $h[85] $Xposi[85]
$Tbulk[86] $q[86] $h[86] $Xposi[86]
$Tbulk[87] $q[87] $h[87] $Xposi[87]
$Tbulk[88] $q[88] $h[88] $Xposi[88]
$Tbulk[89] $q[89] $h[89] $Xposi[89]
$Tbulk[90] $q[90] $h[90] $Xposi[90]
$Tbulk[91] $q[91] $h[91] $Xposi[91]
$Tbulk[92] $q[92] $h[92] $Xposi[92]
$Tbulk[93] $q[93] $h[93] $Xposi[93]
$Tbulk[94] $q[94] $h[94] $Xposi[94]
$Tbulk[95] $q[95] $h[95] $Xposi[95]
$Tbulk[96] $q[96] $h[96] $Xposi[96]
$Tbulk[97] $q[97] $h[97] $Xposi[97]
$Tbulk[98] $q[98] $h[98] $Xposi[98]
$Tbulk[99] $q[99] $h[99] $Xposi[99]
$Tbulk[100] $q[100] $h[100] $Xposi[100]

$Yposi[1] $Tadm[1]
$Yposi[2] $Tadm[2]
$Yposi[3] $Tadm[3]
$Yposi[4] $Tadm[4]
$Yposi[5] $Tadm[5]
$Yposi[6] $Tadm[6]
$Yposi[7] $Tadm[7]
$Yposi[8] $Tadm[8]
$Yposi[9] $Tadm[9]
$Yposi[10] $Tadm[10]
$Yposi[11] $Tadm[11]
$Yposi[12] $Tadm[12]
$Yposi[13] $Tadm[13]
$Yposi[14] $Tadm[14]
$Yposi[15] $Tadm[15]
$Yposi[16] $Tadm[16]
$Yposi[17] $Tadm[17]
$Yposi[18] $Tadm[18]
$Yposi[19] $Tadm[19]
$Yposi[20] $Tadm[20]
$Yposi[21] $Tadm[21]
$Yposi[22] $Tadm[22]
$Yposi[23] $Tadm[23]
$Yposi[24] $Tadm[24]
$Yposi[25] $Tadm[25]
$Yposi[26] $Tadm[26]
$Yposi[27] $Tadm[27]
$Yposi[28] $Tadm[28]
$Yposi[29] $Tadm[29]
$Yposi[30] $Tadm[30]
$Yposi[31] $Tadm[31]
$Yposi[32] $Tadm[32]
$Yposi[33] $Tadm[33]
$Yposi[34] $Tadm[34]
$Yposi[35] $Tadm[35]
$Yposi[36] $Tadm[36]
$Yposi[37] $Tadm[37]
$Yposi[38] $Tadm[38]
$Yposi[39] $Tadm[39]
$Yposi[40] $Tadm[40]
Gregory T. Gargioni ------><>
E-mail: gargionis <at> gmail "dot" com
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Old   September 20, 2019, 07:23
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Originally Posted by Gargioni View Post
!$Zposi = 0.4;
!$TBulkZ = $Zposi*20;

!for ($i=1; $i<89; $i++) {
!$Xposi[$i] = $a;

!for ($i=1; $i<89; $i++) {
PLANE: Teste.$i
Option = XY Plane
Z = $Xposi[$i]
Colour Mode = Variable
Colour Variable = Temperature
Range = Local

!$Tbulk[$i] = massFlowAve("Temperature","Teste.$i");
!$q[$i] = massFlowAve("Wall Heat Flux","Teste.$i");

!for ($i=1; $i<41; $i++) {
!$Yposi[$i] = $b;

!for ($i=1; $i<41; $i++) {
POINT: Point.$i
Option = XYZ
Point = 0.0, $Yposi[$i], $Zposi
Colour Mode = Variable
Colour Variable = Temperature
Range = Global
!$T[$i] = maxVal("Temperature","Point.$i");
!$Tadm[$i] = ($Tw-$T[$i])/($Tw-$Tbulk[$TBulkZ])

$Tbulk[1] $q[1] $h[1] $Xposi[1]
$Tbulk[2] $q[2] $h[2] $Xposi[2]
$Tbulk[3] $q[3] $h[3] $Xposi[3]
$Tbulk[4] $q[4] $h[4] $Xposi[4]
$Tbulk[5] $q[5] $h[5] $Xposi[5]
$Tbulk[6] $q[6] $h[6] $Xposi[6]
$Tbulk[7] $q[7] $h[7] $Xposi[7]
$Tbulk[8] $q[8] $h[8] $Xposi[8]
$Tbulk[9] $q[9] $h[9] $Xposi[9]
$Tbulk[10] $q[10] $h[10] $Xposi[10]
$Tbulk[11] $q[11] $h[11] $Xposi[11]
$Tbulk[12] $q[12] $h[12] $Xposi[12]
$Tbulk[13] $q[13] $h[13] $Xposi[13]
$Tbulk[14] $q[14] $h[14] $Xposi[14]
$Tbulk[15] $q[15] $h[15] $Xposi[15]
$Tbulk[16] $q[16] $h[16] $Xposi[16]
$Tbulk[17] $q[17] $h[17] $Xposi[17]
$Tbulk[18] $q[18] $h[18] $Xposi[18]
$Tbulk[19] $q[19] $h[19] $Xposi[19]
$Tbulk[20] $q[20] $h[20] $Xposi[20]
$Tbulk[21] $q[21] $h[21] $Xposi[21]
$Tbulk[22] $q[22] $h[22] $Xposi[22]
$Tbulk[23] $q[23] $h[23] $Xposi[23]
$Tbulk[24] $q[24] $h[24] $Xposi[24]
$Tbulk[25] $q[25] $h[25] $Xposi[25]
$Tbulk[26] $q[26] $h[26] $Xposi[26]
$Tbulk[27] $q[27] $h[27] $Xposi[27]
$Tbulk[28] $q[28] $h[28] $Xposi[28]
$Tbulk[29] $q[29] $h[29] $Xposi[29]
$Tbulk[30] $q[30] $h[30] $Xposi[30]
$Tbulk[31] $q[31] $h[31] $Xposi[31]
$Tbulk[32] $q[32] $h[32] $Xposi[32]
$Tbulk[33] $q[33] $h[33] $Xposi[33]
$Tbulk[34] $q[34] $h[34] $Xposi[34]
$Tbulk[35] $q[35] $h[35] $Xposi[35]
$Tbulk[36] $q[36] $h[36] $Xposi[36]
$Tbulk[37] $q[37] $h[37] $Xposi[37]
$Tbulk[38] $q[38] $h[38] $Xposi[38]
$Tbulk[39] $q[39] $h[39] $Xposi[39]
$Tbulk[40] $q[40] $h[40] $Xposi[40]
$Tbulk[41] $q[41] $h[41] $Xposi[41]
$Tbulk[42] $q[42] $h[42] $Xposi[42]
$Tbulk[43] $q[43] $h[43] $Xposi[43]
$Tbulk[44] $q[44] $h[44] $Xposi[44]
$Tbulk[45] $q[45] $h[45] $Xposi[45]
$Tbulk[46] $q[46] $h[46] $Xposi[46]
$Tbulk[47] $q[47] $h[47] $Xposi[47]
$Tbulk[48] $q[48] $h[48] $Xposi[48]
$Tbulk[49] $q[49] $h[49] $Xposi[49]
$Tbulk[50] $q[50] $h[50] $Xposi[50]
$Tbulk[51] $q[51] $h[51] $Xposi[51]
$Tbulk[52] $q[52] $h[52] $Xposi[52]
$Tbulk[53] $q[53] $h[53] $Xposi[53]
$Tbulk[54] $q[54] $h[54] $Xposi[54]
$Tbulk[55] $q[55] $h[55] $Xposi[55]
$Tbulk[56] $q[56] $h[56] $Xposi[56]
$Tbulk[57] $q[57] $h[57] $Xposi[57]
$Tbulk[58] $q[58] $h[58] $Xposi[58]
$Tbulk[59] $q[59] $h[59] $Xposi[59]
$Tbulk[60] $q[60] $h[60] $Xposi[60]
$Tbulk[61] $q[61] $h[61] $Xposi[61]
$Tbulk[62] $q[62] $h[62] $Xposi[62]
$Tbulk[63] $q[63] $h[63] $Xposi[63]
$Tbulk[64] $q[64] $h[64] $Xposi[64]
$Tbulk[65] $q[65] $h[65] $Xposi[65]
$Tbulk[66] $q[66] $h[66] $Xposi[66]
$Tbulk[67] $q[67] $h[67] $Xposi[67]
$Tbulk[68] $q[68] $h[68] $Xposi[68]
$Tbulk[69] $q[69] $h[69] $Xposi[69]
$Tbulk[70] $q[70] $h[70] $Xposi[70]
$Tbulk[71] $q[71] $h[71] $Xposi[71]
$Tbulk[72] $q[72] $h[72] $Xposi[72]
$Tbulk[73] $q[73] $h[73] $Xposi[73]
$Tbulk[74] $q[74] $h[74] $Xposi[74]
$Tbulk[75] $q[75] $h[75] $Xposi[75]
$Tbulk[76] $q[76] $h[76] $Xposi[76]
$Tbulk[77] $q[77] $h[77] $Xposi[77]
$Tbulk[78] $q[78] $h[78] $Xposi[78]
$Tbulk[79] $q[79] $h[79] $Xposi[79]
$Tbulk[80] $q[80] $h[80] $Xposi[80]
$Tbulk[81] $q[81] $h[81] $Xposi[81]
$Tbulk[82] $q[82] $h[82] $Xposi[82]
$Tbulk[83] $q[83] $h[83] $Xposi[83]
$Tbulk[84] $q[84] $h[84] $Xposi[84]
$Tbulk[85] $q[85] $h[85] $Xposi[85]
$Tbulk[86] $q[86] $h[86] $Xposi[86]
$Tbulk[87] $q[87] $h[87] $Xposi[87]
$Tbulk[88] $q[88] $h[88] $Xposi[88]
$Tbulk[89] $q[89] $h[89] $Xposi[89]
$Tbulk[90] $q[90] $h[90] $Xposi[90]
$Tbulk[91] $q[91] $h[91] $Xposi[91]
$Tbulk[92] $q[92] $h[92] $Xposi[92]
$Tbulk[93] $q[93] $h[93] $Xposi[93]
$Tbulk[94] $q[94] $h[94] $Xposi[94]
$Tbulk[95] $q[95] $h[95] $Xposi[95]
$Tbulk[96] $q[96] $h[96] $Xposi[96]
$Tbulk[97] $q[97] $h[97] $Xposi[97]
$Tbulk[98] $q[98] $h[98] $Xposi[98]
$Tbulk[99] $q[99] $h[99] $Xposi[99]
$Tbulk[100] $q[100] $h[100] $Xposi[100]

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$Yposi[30] $Tadm[30]
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$Yposi[39] $Tadm[39]
$Yposi[40] $Tadm[40]


How did you implement this code into CFX?
best regards
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Old   September 23, 2019, 17:09
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 249
Rep Power: 16
gaza is on a distinguished road
Ok I found that it is in Reference guide in Power Syntax chapter
best regards
gaza is offline   Reply With Quote


heat transfer coefficient, wall transfer coefficien

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