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The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1

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Old   January 11, 2017, 23:10
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Old   January 11, 2017, 23:47
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Also, please do not PM me with CFD questions. I do not answer CFD questions by PM, post it on the forum.
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Old   June 15, 2018, 03:52
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ERROR #555000005 has occurred in subroutine THETA_CONT_FIN. |
| Message: |
| |
| A transition between +/-180 degrees could not be found on side 1 |
| of domain interface: |
| |
| S2 to S1 |
| |
| The algorithm which calculates this value attempts to search for |
| the first element face at this transition. Sometimes this will |
| fail if the pitch angle is incorrect. The pitch angle for this |
| side of the interface is:192.623 degrees. If this does not |
| seem correct then please carefully examine your interface for any |
| of the following: |
| |
| 1) side 1 has more than 360 degrees of revolution |
| 2) side 1 intersects zero radius |
| 3) side 1 has element faces normal AND parallel to the axis |
| 4) side 1 has element faces at the low radial or axial position |
| which are very thin in the axial or radial direction, or the |
| edges which make up the inner radius/axial position do not form |
| an arc of revolution so that the flow solver can accurately |
| determine the pitch angle. |
| |
| If any of situations 1-3 apply you can try changing Transformation |
| Type to "None" instead of "Automatic". If the 4th situation is |
| the problem then you must explicitly specify the pitch angles |
| of side 1 and 2 of the interface. You may have to change both |
| settings to get the flow solver running.

plzz tell me the solution of this error
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Old   April 11, 2022, 05:34
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gromix13 is on a distinguished road
I have problem with solution part of my project and I have to errors in that
1. The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1. They came when the solution is started.
2. Update failed for the Solution component in Fluid Flow (CFX). The solver failed with a non-zero exit code of : 2
They came when the solution is done with error.
How can I fix it?

ERROR #002100080 has occurred in subroutine CHECK_NORMV. |
| Message: |
| The specified velocity vector on the boundary patch |
| |
| Shroud2 |
| |
| has a significant normal component at one or more faces. One of |
| these face locations is |
| |
| (x,y,z) = (-2.99724E-02, 2.70526E-02,-6.73433E-03). |
| |
| The angle between the specified velocity and the element surface is|
| 89.236 degrees at this face. This is considered an error because |
| it implies that the mesh is moving. The following are possible |
| reasons for the error message: |
| 1. There is a setup error; for example, an incorrect axis of |
| rotation. |
| 2. There may be a meshing problem; for example, the nodes on a |
| rotating surface might not lie on the surface of revolution. |
| 3. The boundary is curved and the mesh is very coarse. In this |
| case, you may modify the tolerance by increasing the |
| expert parameter 'tangential vector tolerance wall' |
| from its default of 20 degrees. |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1. No results file |
| has been created.
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Old   April 11, 2022, 08:32
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
Have you read the error message? It describes the problem and what to do about it in some detail.

In short - you have defined a tangential velocity on a wall which is not tangential to the wall.

If you want the wall to move you need moving mesh, or if the flow has a normal component to the wall you need to define something to create the flow (either an inlet or a source term).
Note: I do not answer CFD questions by PM. CFD questions should be posted on the forum.
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