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metallic and deviation angles

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Old   April 1, 2011, 17:17
Default metallic and deviation angles
New Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 4
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AndreaDB is on a distinguished road
Hi all,
I'm new in CFX and basically I have not enough time to learn it properly. I went through tutorials but they wasn't of help for me.
I have files .def and .res, so I think I have all results. the issue is that
1: of my geometry ( an Inlet guide Vane) I'm not able to understand from where extract the metallic angles of the blade
2. how calculate the incidence of the flow of whom I have the X,Y,Z components but i have to know it with respect to the inlet domain of whom i don't know the orientation in the space
3. I don't know then how to calculate the deviation angle at the exit of the blade if i don't have the metallic angles.

how do I have to manage with these problems if, for example, I would like to extract datas from the midspan?

Tanks a lot.
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