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2D suction in ANSYS CFX 12.1

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Old   June 3, 2010, 05:45
Default 2D suction in ANSYS CFX 12.1
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Hello everyone. I am interested in applying suction on a 2D body (cylinder or airfoil) but I am having trouble defining the suction location. The idea is to select a specific segment along the body's curve, define it as an outlet and apply velocity boundary conditions so I can control the suction velocity. For the cylinder case, I am able to define a circular arc via the split curve command in DesignModeler, however when I proceed to the Mesher and the Setup, the arc is not there i.e. the programm does not recognize it and therefore I cannot apply different conditions on it. Oddly enough, if instead of a circle I design a square and proceed to the Mesher and the Setup, ANSYS recognizes each of the four edges separately and different boundary conditions can be applied on each one. I did found this thread cfx.html but no answer has been given to the guy asking. It sounds really simple, what am I missing? I will appreciate any kind of advice you can give me. Thank you for your time, Apostolis
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Old   June 3, 2010, 09:01
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
You will have to define the region for suction to be applied in DesignModeller. Cut it out of the full shape and it will come into CFX-Pre as a different surface so you can assign a different boundary to it.

The questions referred to in the link is completely different and asks how do you apply the boundary condition while still retaining a no slip wall. The answer is to use a mass source/sink on a wall boundary, this will do it.
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