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user CEL or Junction Box?

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Old   May 29, 2010, 18:07
Default user CEL or Junction Box?
Join Date: May 2010
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xck1986 is on a distinguished road
hi everyone,

I have already calculated all the Temperatur of a nuclear fuel rod, now I want to divide die whole fuel rod into 20 equal parts, and want to calculate the mean temperatur of the every 20 parts.
How can I realise it? with USER CEL or Junction Box.

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Old   May 29, 2010, 18:57
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Glenn Horrocks
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In post processing in CFD-Post this is easy. Define a series of volumes with your sub-sections. Use the function calculator to get the temperature of each sub-section.

No need to junction boxes.
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Old   May 29, 2010, 19:55
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xck1986 is on a distinguished road
thanks a lot for you suggestion Glenn,

Actually what I want to do is, to exchange Datas between two Software. One is CFX, another one is a neutronic Software so called SCALE.

I want CFX to write out the mean tempetaure of the every 20 parts of the fuel rod in a TXT Files, when the current interation number(i) is a multiple of 1000.

e.g when i=1000, I can get a TXT files with 20 temperaturs from CFX, then another software SCALE will read in the 20 temperature and after its calculation , SCALE will write out again a TXT files,which contain 20 datas of heat flux .

Then CFX will read in the 20 heat flux from SCALE and it can modify its soure terms(because at first I have assumed taht the source is a constant), and with the new source terms CFX will continue to calculate from current interation number(i)=1001 to 2000, then again write out 20 temperature in a TXT files, and give it to SCALE, and wait for the new heat flux from SCALE to modify again its sorce term.......and so on.

So at last I can get a much correcter Tempetrature distribution from CFX because of the modify of the source terms.

Now my first Step is that, how can I write out the 20 mean temperaturs in a TXT files when the current interation number(i) is a multiple of 1000. and I don't know which one should I use, user CEL or Junction Box?

Thanks a lot again and waiting for you suggestion!!!
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Old   May 29, 2010, 20:01
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thanks a lot for you suggestion Glenn,

Actually what I want to do is, to exchange Datas between two Software. One is CFX, another one is a neutronic Software so called SCALE.

I want CFX to write out the mean tempetaure of the every 20 parts of the fuel rod in a TXT Files, when the current interation number(i) is a multiple of 1000.

e.g when i=1000, I can get a TXT files with 20 temperaturs from CFX, then another software SCALE will read in the 20 temperature and after its calculation , SCALE will write out again a TXT files,which contain 20 datas of heat flux .

Then CFX will read in the 20 heat flux from SCALE and it can modify its soure terms(because at first I have assumed taht the source is a constant), and with the new source terms CFX will continue to calculate from current interation number(i)=1001 to 2000, then again write out 20 temperature in a TXT files, and give it to SCALE, and wait for the new heat flux from SCALE to modify again its sorce term.......and so on.

So at last I can get a much correcter Tempetrature distribution from CFX because of the modify of the source terms.

Now my first Step is that, how can I write out the 20 mean temperaturs in a TXT files when the current interation number(i) is a multiple of 1000. and I don't know which one should I use, user CEL or Junction Box?

Thanks a lot again and waiting for you suggestion!!!
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Old   May 30, 2010, 08:38
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Glenn Horrocks
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You can write out the average temperatures simply using a monitor point but this will not do the additional stuff you want to do to get the coupling working. To get coupling working you need to write out the temperatures, wait until the other package has finished its calculations and then read and apply the output of the other package and restart the simulation. You will need to do this in fortran.

You might also consider doing it in MPCCI. This is a 3rd party software package designed to do the coupling between software. I think CFX still has a MPCCI interface and hopefully SCALE does too.
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Old   May 30, 2010, 09:16
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xck1986 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by ghorrocks View Post
You can write out the average temperatures simply using a monitor point but this will not do the additional stuff you want to do to get the coupling working. To get coupling working you need to write out the temperatures, wait until the other package has finished its calculations and then read and apply the output of the other package and restart the simulation. You will need to do this in fortran.

You might also consider doing it in MPCCI. This is a 3rd party software package designed to do the coupling between software. I think CFX still has a MPCCI interface and hopefully SCALE does too.

thanks a lot again Glenn,
When I do it in Fortran, could you please suggest, which one should I use, User CEL or Juntion Box? SCALE is also written by Fortran.
Another question: Is MPCCI a software that I need install it in my Computer? or cfx do alreday have it?
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Old   May 30, 2010, 09:24
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It can probably be done either way. Not sure which is best, you will have to investigate the options as I don't have much experience with fortran in CFX.
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