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CFX basic training for a non-beginner

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Old   December 21, 2009, 11:17
Default CFX basic training for a non-beginner
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Whilst at uni I self taught myself CFD and specifically CFX. I managed to bodge it sufficiently that I have always been able to make it do what I wanted (although usually, it's been a battle of wills).

I'm now eployed and my employer has expressed a willingness to send me on specific training for CFX.

Do the knowledgeable people here suggest that I land myself a place on a beginners course and breeze through various bits, get some custom course made (how eye wateringly expensive?) or some other option? Also, I'm in the Gloucestershire area, so the nearer the better.

Ta in advance for any reccomendations.
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Old   December 21, 2009, 12:01
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if your employer doesent own cfx licenses, ansys or any other company like widlefea would provide some induction training or even customer training based on your needs.. you might want to give them a call and ask.

if you want a general course to "fill the gaps" you'd be looking at university courses possibly a post-grad taught course. manchester's a good uni but quite far away. I did my phd at birmingham uni but I dont think they do a post-grad taught course on cfd; but you could ask
Top 4 tips
1. Knowledge is everything and Ignorance is dangerous.
2. Understand your limitations and try to eliminate them.
3. Get yerself a bike and hoon the chuffer. You will soon learn why dogs like to hang their heads out the car window.
4. Please before asking any questions on how to run simulations in CFX, go though all the tutorials
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Old   December 21, 2009, 17:31
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
I would do the general CFX training courses. It is useful to go over the basics to make sure you have not misunderstood some elementary concept, even if most of it you already know.

Custom training does cost extra but obviously means it is more tailored for you. In a commercial context the cost of training is small compared to the cost of running the software (licenses, hardware and most importantly your time) so the investment in training is worthwhile.
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Old   December 22, 2009, 04:16
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zebG is on a distinguished road
Ta for the advice chaps.
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