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CFX Post: Problems with moving point cloud for changing time steps

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Old   December 7, 2009, 05:56
Default CFX Post: Problems with moving point cloud for changing time steps
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Join Date: Apr 2009
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I'm using ANSYS CFX and have a plane where I want to obtain the velocity field having a rectangular equidistant grid (solution used non equidistant grid). For this I define a rectangular point cloud and export the results, for every time step. However the problem is that for every time step the location of the points in the point cloud (or the rectangular grid of the point cloud) slightly translates. I think this is related to my FSI simulation where there is a moving boundary condition.

Is there a way to resolve this problem and obtain a solution where the xy coordinates of the points in the point cloud remain the same for every time step?

I've tried everything and a solution for this problem would be very welcome. Therefor I hope to hear from you soon with any suggestions, and thank you in advance!!!

Kindest regards.

P.S. One way to resolve this problem would be defining every point seperately (making your own point cloud), however that takes a significant amount of time in comparison with exporting the results of a point cloud (also if you automise it with MATLAB, it takes CFX alot of time for creating all the points and interpolating the results).
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