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Deforming boundaries - is it possible?

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Old   November 26, 2009, 08:30
Default Deforming boundaries - is it possible?
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Bayard Morales
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Hi there.

I´m simulationg a kind of bubble column and would like to make it a little more sofisticated.

At the top boundary - degassing - it is possible to plot the pressure profile.
The highest pressures are, of course, found at the spot where the gas hits this boundary.

Is there any way to make the mesh deform following this pressure profile?

The goal is to, somehow, simulate the elevation on the liquid surface due the gas. So, where the pressure is higher, the mesh would deform.

I´ve been working with this kind of flow, considering a domain bottom half filled of liquid and top half filled of gas, but it is a bit hard to deal with it, so I´m working with a degassing condition now.

Any hint?

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Old   November 26, 2009, 18:00
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
It would be possible to do this as a deforming mesh but I suspect a free surface approach would be better. Can you do a free surface model rather than a degassing boundary?
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Old   November 27, 2009, 05:09
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Rui Igreja
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I've read there are people doing that (single-phase simulation, and using a moving/deforming boundary to represent the free surface).
But I've never seen an example, and always wondered how do you calculate the movement of that free-surface boundary.
And what are the limitations of this method relatively to doing a 2-phase free-surface simulation (assuming you don't care what happens in the gaseous phase).
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bubble column, deform, mesh

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