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Old   June 17, 2009, 04:37
Default Cfx book
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Mojtaba Qafari
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Hi everybody
I have to buy some books about CFX softwarefor my company. Can you propose me some books about ANSYS-CFX software? It's better if those books are tutorial base. It doesn't matter how much these are?
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Old   June 17, 2009, 05:38
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the cfx manual is all you need to run cfx; however to understand and have credibility on what you're doing you'd need at least one main cfd person with experience and if you have the funds he can teach/give tasks to other engineers to reduce his/hers workload

if you have been given the "cfd" task I have a few books in mind but you need to have strong knowledge of fluid dynamics and you'd be much better going a course first in understanding numerical simulation techniques
Top 4 tips
1. Knowledge is everything and Ignorance is dangerous.
2. Understand your limitations and try to eliminate them.
3. Get yerself a bike and hoon the chuffer. You will soon learn why dogs like to hang their heads out the car window.
4. Please before asking any questions on how to run simulations in CFX, go though all the tutorials
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Old   June 22, 2009, 06:53
Default Cfx book
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Mojtaba Qafari
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Dear ckleanth
I am familiar with CFX and Fluent. I don't have enough time to learn CFD. I have to buy some appropriate book about CFX Software. My company has bought CFX license and they need some books for their archive.
I appresiate you if you show me some books. It is better if these books contain some Tutorials.
thank alot
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Old   June 22, 2009, 07:15
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Originally Posted by mojtaba View Post
Dear ckleanth
I am familiar with CFX and Fluent. I don't have enough time to learn CFD. I have to buy some appropriate book about CFX Software. My company has bought CFX license and they need some books for their archive.
I appresiate you if you show me some books. It is better if these books contain some Tutorials.
thank alot
that is worrying. if you dont have time to learn how to use cfx you wont know of what you do is right or not; in fact photoshop is a better and cheaper software for creating pretty pictures....

anyway if you have the bought cfx the company you got it from should had provided "some" training.
if you want to get started, fire up cfx, open the manual do the tutorials, as for books if you bother to check the introduction under Further Background Reading there's plenty of books there. the problem is that you will struggle to understand what they're on about if you have no clue what CFD is about.
Top 4 tips
1. Knowledge is everything and Ignorance is dangerous.
2. Understand your limitations and try to eliminate them.
3. Get yerself a bike and hoon the chuffer. You will soon learn why dogs like to hang their heads out the car window.
4. Please before asking any questions on how to run simulations in CFX, go though all the tutorials
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