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making wing-aileron move in heave and pitch

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Old   March 11, 2009, 07:02
Default making wing-aileron move in heave and pitch
Posts: n/a

I've got a wing-aileron body which I would like to move in a heaving and pitching motion, i.e. the wing-aileron moves up and down and rotates, the aileron rotates additionaly.

I managed to get the wing-aileron to move up and down using the moving mesh method.

I also managed to get the wing-aileron to rotate using the transient-rotor interface method.

But so far, I failed to combine these two and make the aileron rotate on top of that.

Would be great if someone could point me in the right direction how to approach this problem.

Many thanks.
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Old   March 11, 2009, 07:22
Default Re: making wing-aileron move in heave and pitch
Adam Stuchlik
Posts: n/a
I donīt know exactly but maybe you can use a function to describe the motion?!
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Old   March 11, 2009, 12:30
Default Re: making wing-aileron move in heave and pitch
Roland R
Posts: n/a

I was employed with the problem of the aileron-moving recently. I think that the application of the intreface is not appropriate because you are going to getting inexact results there, where there are the most important process. It can be defined from the moving mesh (or deforming mesh) function not only the up-down moving but also the rotation. You must define the rotation with X,Y and Z coordinates in the "expression".(You must use sin/cos functions for example)

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Old   March 13, 2009, 07:33
Default Re: making wing-aileron move in heave and pitch
cfx user
Posts: n/a
Thanks but I'm not getting anywhere. With the CEL Expressions, I can make it work either in heave or pitch only but not together. Keep getting error messages. I guess something wrong with my CEL s.

Can someone please post the two CEL expression for X and Y Motion for a body in heave and pitch please? Also, what's the difference between "specified location" and "specified displacement"? The answer should be self-evident but I never got specified location to work with my CELs.

Many thanks
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