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FSI query

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Old   August 31, 2008, 08:08
Default FSI query
Posts: n/a
Hi All,

I would like to ask:

1) Can Meshes and geometries created in ICEM 11 be used for 2 way FSI using WORKBENCH/CFX?

2) When setting up the solid part in WORKBENCH, the file to use or import into WORKBENCH should be the mesh file? or geometry file?

I am confused about this because in CFX tutorial 21, the file used in WORKBENCH was a .agdb file; which I thought was a geometry file? but it has a mesh part attached to it, how does that work?

3) What kind of license is required for 2 way FSI?

Thanks for your help! CC.
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Old   August 31, 2008, 17:20
Default Re: FSI query
Posts: n/a
1) Yes, ICEM mesh can be imported in CFX-pre but I am not sure if it will work for the solid part. 2) You can import the geometry file into the DesignModeler and use that file to generate mesh in the simulation tab 3) license for both Ansys and CFX since both of them will be used in solving process.

the .agdb file is DesignModeler database file, which contains no meshing info.
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Old   September 1, 2008, 02:31
Default Re: FSI query
Posts: n/a
1) Can Meshes and geometries created in ICEM 11 be used for 2 way FSI using WORKBENCH/CFX?

Yes. You can use ICEM for CFX. I have not done it yet for FEA. But because ICEM can create a ANSYS FEA mesh and also an input file. You could probably modify this input file to flag for you FSI Interface.

You can also use ANSYS itself to generate the mesh from scartch to create the FEA mesh and use it for FSI purposes, all you need to do is flag it properly.

2) When setting up the solid part in WORKBENCH, the file to use or import into WORKBENCH should be the mesh file? or geometry file? Yes. In the tutorial it uses a geometry file and automatically creates its own mesh. You can ofcourse use ANSYS to create a mesh that you like.

3) What kind of license is required for 2 way FSI?

DD as already answered this one
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