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ANSYS conference

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Old   July 11, 2008, 14:33
Default ANSYS conference
CSI Pittsburg
Posts: n/a
This sentence in the Bio of ANSYS president seems incorrect: "During that time, SDRC grew from $4M to $400M."

It seems more $40M instead of $400M...

1) From Bio on the conference: ==============================

Prior to that role, he held management positions at Structural Dynamics Research Corporation (SDRC) in the areas of international sales, major account development and product management. Programs under his direction resulted in strong development of international markets, formalization of major account programs, and launching and revitalizing multiple product lines. Jim's efforts helped make SDRC one of the premier CAD software suppliers and resulted in his promotion to general manager of the data management business unit. During that time, SDRC grew from $4M to $400M (!).

2 )From the bio on ANSYS web-site ==================================

Prior to joining Metaphase, Mr. Cashman was employed by Structural Dynamics Research Corporation, a computer aided design company, from 1976 to 1994 in a number of sales and technical positions.

3)From Wiki-Pedia on SDRC: ==========================

Financial Scandal

On September 14, 1994, SDRC announced that it would be forced to restate its previously-announced earnings. Months later, it was revealed that the Company had overstated its revenue over the three previous years by a combined total of $68 million, citing improprieties in its Far East reseller operations. After the scheme was disclosed, $30 million in SDRC software was discovered in a warehouse at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport.

Company executives fined

On April 11, 1997, the former chairman of SDRC and four other former company executives agreed Thursday to pay $1.5 million to settle charges that the Milford software company artificially inflated earnings and revenues from 1992 to 1994. The resulting class-action shareholder lawsuit was settled on November 21, 1997, with SDRC agreeing to pay $37.5 million in payouts to affected shareholders.

3) From the New-York time: ==========================

Does anyone have information on this?


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