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One or more objects may have lost some scoping attachments during the geometry update

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Old   October 10, 2023, 17:34
Default One or more objects may have lost some scoping attachments during the geometry update
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I'm trying to do a Parametric study using Workbench. Therefor I adjust a dimension in DesignModeler. However, when opening Meshing one geometry is no longer recognized as before. Therefor I need to reselect this geometry for my meshing method. Inconvenient when trying to do an automated parametric study that changes a dimension for each run.

Furthermore, the named selected that I gave to a surface within Meshing to be used in Solver was lost as well, since the geometry was no longer recognized as before.

This is the error that I got:
One or more objects may have lost some scoping attachments during the geometry update. You can identify these tree objects by activating the Scoping Wizard in the Selection Toolbar, or by filtering the tree using the Scoping option set to Partial.

I read similar problems online without a clear solution. I found a workaround by using 'Named Selection' instead of 'Geometry Selection' at the meshing Scoping Method.
I made the Named Selection by right clicking the edge to which I want to apply the meshing method, and selecting 'Create Named Selection'. Instead of using the preselected 'Apply selected geometry' I used 'Apply geometry items of same size'.

After making another change in DesignModeler and reopening Meshing, the updated geometry still isn't recognized, and I get the same error, but the Named Selection still works, so the meshing method as well.

The dimension I adjust is an angle, while the size of the edge stays the same. For other problems selecting the 'Type' or 'Location' options could be a solution.
Attached Images
File Type: png mesh.PNG (8.1 KB, 21 views)
File Type: png namedselection.PNG (6.7 KB, 21 views)
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Old   October 10, 2023, 18:51
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Glenn Horrocks
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This sort of problem is caused by the geometry parameter causing faces to appear or disappear, meaning that the geometry selections (including named selections) can become invalid as the surface they used to refer to does not exist at some input parameters.

If you can modify your geometry such that it keeps the same topology (ie no faces or edges appear or disappear) over the range of input parameters you want to sweep then this is the easiest way to fix it.

If you cannot do this then you will have to look at the topology changes and try to work out if you can define some selections which are still valid even if a surface or edge appears or disappears.

If neither of these approaches are simple then you might want to split your parametric sweep into two or more cases - one sweep with the baseline geometry and a second sweep for the geometric parameters which cause the face to appear or disappear. Then there is no topology changes inside each sweep.
Note: I do not answer CFD questions by PM. CFD questions should be posted on the forum.
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