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User fortran error when running CFX-10 in parallel

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Old   October 25, 2007, 08:04
Default User fortran error when running CFX-10 in parallel
Posts: n/a

I have a problem when I try to run a problem involving a User Cel function in CFX-10 (mpich parallel). I runs fine when I just run on on machine. The error message in parallel looks like:

+================================================= ===================+ | ****** PROBLEM REPORT ****** | |--------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Subsystem: Input | | Subroutine name: ErrAction | | Severity level: Fatal Error | | Error message number: 001100279 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | Message: | | | | Error opening R:\CFD\CFX\ActuatorDiscFinal\winnt\bemsource.dll: D- | | et angivne modul blev ikke fundet.

| | | | | | | | | +================================================= ===================+

+================================================= ===================+ | ****** PROBLEM REPORT ****** | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | Subsystem: Input | | Subroutine name: ErrAction | | Severity level: Fatal Error | | Error message number: 001100279 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | Message: | | | | USER ROUTINE: MomSource could not be loaded. Please check the Li- | | brary Path, Library Name and Calling Name. For FORTRAN user routi- | | nes, the Calling Name should be in lower case. | | | | | | | +================================================= ===================+

+================================================= ===================+ | ****** PROBLEM REPORT ****** | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | Subsystem: Input | | Subroutine name: ErrAction | | Severity level: Fatal Error | | Error message number: 001100279 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | Message: | | | | Stopped in routine UR_REGISTER | | | | | | | | | | | +================================================= ===================+

I hvae double-checked that the library path and calling name is defined correctly in CFX-Pre, and that the callingname is in lower case.

Furthermore the winnt library with the dll and other files is available on a network drive that is accesible by all computers in the cluster.

Also I have tried to edit the cfx5mkext.ccl accordingly to the manual by changing the: ext link lib5files = solver-mpichnt.lib from the default value: ext link lib5files = solver-pvm.lib. But still I got the problem.

I am running out of ideas what could be wrong. It is strange that it works in serial mode but not in parallel. If anyone else has come across this, I will be happy to hear if you found the solution.

Best regards CFDworker
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Old   October 26, 2007, 14:16
Default Re: User fortran error when running CFX-10 in para
Posts: n/a
Did you re-build your libraries when you changed the 'link lib5files' setting in cfx5mkext.ccl?

In serial mode, the solver always uses solver-pvm.exe.

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Old   October 26, 2007, 17:01
Default Re: User fortran error when running CFX-10 in para
Posts: n/a
Yes, I was rebuilding it, and while it was compiling I could see that it was building it for solver-mpichnt. It is a rather strange and annoying problem...

And also as a tjeck, when I had rebuilded it for solver-mpichnt, I got a similar problem (the same error message as in parallel, but now in serial) when I was trying to run serial with solver-pvm (which of course makes sense...)

- But thanks for the suggestion. Any efforts to help out is highly appreciated
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Old   September 22, 2015, 09:59
Default The same problem
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Omar Osama Mohamed
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 26
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Omarspace is on a distinguished road
Hi , I guess it is not proper to reply post in 2007 but if anyone here can tell me how he solved this issue i will be thankful. i am facing exactly the same problem.

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