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Centrifugal pump trailing edge wake region influence

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Old   October 21, 2022, 04:22
Lightbulb Centrifugal pump trailing edge wake region influence
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zacko is on a distinguished road

I have a question regarding the wake region produced by the trailing edge of a centrifugal pump impeller.
My setup is as follows: Inlet pipe, suction chamber, impeller, volute, outlet pipe.

I usually have the impeller domain, which ends at the trailing edge and directly enters, via a transient-rotor-stator interface, into the volute.
This is mostly close to the experimental and real setup.
Now, I did see results of simulations including an outlet domain to include the wake region of the impeller. Therefore, the interface between impeller and volute is shifted to a higher diamter of the volute.

Can somebody maybe explain to me which influence including the wake region could have on the numerical result ? In which way could it influence hydraulic data such as the head ?

Sadly, I am working on other simulations which hinder me in doing a comparison between both cases. But I am really curious if someone has experience with this.

Thank you!
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Old   November 14, 2022, 03:59
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manupanand is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by zacko View Post

I have a question regarding the wake region produced by the trailing edge of a centrifugal pump impeller.
My setup is as follows: Inlet pipe, suction chamber, impeller, volute, outlet pipe.

I usually have the impeller domain, which ends at the trailing edge and directly enters, via a transient-rotor-stator interface, into the volute.
This is mostly close to the experimental and real setup.
Now, I did see results of simulations including an outlet domain to include the wake region of the impeller. Therefore, the interface between impeller and volute is shifted to a higher diamter of the volute.

Can somebody maybe explain to me which influence including the wake region could have on the numerical result ? In which way could it influence hydraulic data such as the head ?

Sadly, I am working on other simulations which hinder me in doing a comparison between both cases. But I am really curious if someone has experience with this.

Thank you!

I think there will be difference, since there is change in domain, as you said you had included outlet domain, Can you specify the interface method. But if your mesh is good you van capture wake effects.
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Old   November 16, 2022, 07:13
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Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I am sure, that there will be a difference. But, I thought about an fluid mechanics answer - maybe increased momentum transfer or so...
I will get back when I finished the simulations.

The interface is Transient-Rotor-Stator.
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