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Help with droplet injection!!

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Old   August 9, 2007, 13:53
Default Help with droplet injection!!
Posts: n/a
Hi all, I am new in CFX and I am trying to simulate fuel spray injection. Does anyone know whether and how we can use variable flow rate for the injection conditions?? thanks......
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Old   August 16, 2007, 05:53
Default Re: Help with droplet injection!!
Anderson T F
Posts: n/a

I am not sure about what you wanna know, but letīs see:

You will set the composition of the particle (then density is set). Later you will set the size of your droplet (volume is set). Finally you set the number particles (which will work more or less as a total volumetric flow rate). And now you have a problem: since density and volumetric flow rate are fixed, how can you set the mass flow rate?

As I understood from the help files, the number, size and density of droplets are calculated as you have set. So you can see exactly how they are carried by the flow.

However, when the CFX will calculate the effect of the particles in the flow of the continuum, the mass flow rate will be used to determine how many "real particles" one "simulated particle" is representing (I like to imagine it as a small train, made of lots of single similar particles which follow all the same path, but as a group, have more influence on the continuum).

Got it?

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