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initializing an operating point with the previous one in a compressor map

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Old   May 2, 2021, 12:29
Default initializing an operating point with the previous one in a compressor map
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really george? is on a distinguished road

I have recently discovered the Operating points feature in CFX student license but havent been able to take full advantage of it.

I am running a forced response analysis on a transonic compressor stage. For that, I have to plot the constant rpm lines of interest in the compressor map. I am doing that by changing the outlet pressure at the same rpm via a csv input file for each operating point created for that pressure sweep. However, since my operating points of interest to study forced response are peak efficiency, close to surge, and close to choke, I want to increase the sampling of operating points in those areas. This takes too long to run and to speed up the process I thought using the previous operating point ran in the current run in the .mdef file as an IC for the next may help.

This is, for N85 line I am doing a 80Kpa to 120 Kpa static outlet pressure 1Kpa sweep and want to use the converged solution of 80Kpa as an IC of the 81Kpa one that starts sequentially after.

In the operating points tab in solver manager there are lots of options, but I havent been able to do that. I find the CFX SM user guide documentation a little bit messy for this feature and it hasnt been of much help in this aspect, but again it might be im new to this. I havent found many other references for this feature either. Does anybody know if its possible and how? Any other tips and comments on how that tab works are also welcomed. Thanks a lot for your help!
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compressor map, operating points, solver manager

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