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Maximum overlap when partitioning increases from steady-state to transient

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Old   March 25, 2021, 07:38
Default Maximum overlap when partitioning increases from steady-state to transient
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lowdo is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I'm running some cases in CFX which involve a steady state run which is used to initialise a transient run. I've noticed that for the transient phase, the maximum overlap between partitions increases significantly compared to the steady state phase (it doubles, as a minimum), despite using the same number of partitions. I've tested this on a couple of different hardware configurations and it seems to be consistent. Why is this? And does it matter? I'm trying to take account of the guidance in the CFX manual that the maximum overlap should not exceed 20%, but this would mean using fewer partitions for the transient run, although I've seen a suggestion on this forum that that figure may be pessimistic.


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Old   March 25, 2021, 08:04
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Opaque will become famous soon enough
You have not given enough information about your setup.

For example, for a single domain model, there is no way the spatial partitioning be that much different between steady-state and transient. Therefore, I can only assume you are running a multi-domain model.

On the multi-domain model, you must be doing something specific at the domain interfaces that could change the behavior of the partitioning algorithm.

A few examples:

1 - if you are using a general connection interface, the partitions should be identical or very close between steady and transient models

2 - if you are using a frame change model, say mixing-plane or frozen rotor, the partitions, as far as I understand them, should be nearly the same again

3 - Now, if you are using a sliding mesh (transient rotor-stator) model, then spatial partitioning at the domain interface must account for the possible configuration the interface could have during the simulation, correct? In that case, a partition that spans across the domain interface may need full information from connecting domain all the way around the interface, i.e. a greater overlap.

Which example does your model fall into?
Note: I do not answer CFD questions by PM. CFD questions should be posted on the forum.
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Old   March 25, 2021, 08:07
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lowdo is on a distinguished road
Thanks, I think that probably explains the difference then and was something I had wondered about. The transient part of the run is a transient rotor-stator simulation.
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