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courant number for cfx transient run

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Old   April 4, 2006, 11:04
Default courant number for cfx transient run
Posts: n/a
Hi Guys,

What I understood from early discussions, (I am new in this area and I am reading early discussions to understand better), Courant number is not important if I am using CFX transient run as long as I have a convergence within reasonable number of coefficient loops (like 10 coef.loop). Is that correct? I am asking this because, in my case I have courant number 999 and have convergence too. Should I worry about the courant number or not? I really need help on this and previous questions that I posted yesterday.

Thanks alot,

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Old   April 4, 2006, 14:05
Default Re: courant number for cfx transient run
Posts: n/a
Hi Mike,

That is correct. If you are converging within 3 to 6 coefficient loops, there is no need to worry about Courant number.

Regards, Robin
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Old   April 4, 2006, 14:16
Default Re: courant number for cfx transient run
James Date
Posts: n/a

If you are converging within a small number of coefficient loops and still have a high courant number, that suggests to me your solution is quite steady. May be restarting using the steady state solver option might give you even quicker convergence.

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Old   April 4, 2006, 14:32
Default Re: courant number for cfx transient run
Posts: n/a
Robin and James, Thank you so much for your help. Actually, James, I started with steady run and after trying everything and not getting convergence to the desired values, I conclude that the flow is unsteady by its nature. That is why now I am running as transient. In my case, the Re varies alot in the domain, flow starts in a rod shape nozzle with high velocity (highest 2 m/s)(water) and it exits (expands) to a domain which the area is more than 20 times larger than tube diameter. The whole domain is order of 3 meters. Thus, even the determination of time scale is very hard. It is basically the mold flow simulation during casting steel.

I am basically using SST model, CFX with 0.01 time scale for steady run and than with this initial conditions trying to run transient with 0.05 time scale. thats why I am getting very high courant number. But I was not sure whether it is critical or not. Thank you very much again. And any additional comments, helps and ideas would be very much appreciated.

Thanks again,


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Old   April 5, 2006, 03:16
Default Re: courant number for cfx transient run
Posts: n/a

For this comment "converging within 3 to 6 coefficient loops", what target residual are you referring to? 1e-4 MAX?
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Old   April 5, 2006, 08:04
Default Re: courant number for cfx transient run
Posts: n/a
In my opinion, it depends the purpose of your simulation. If you just want to get the time averaged solution, you could ignore the importance of Courant number when you have a converged solution. HOWEVER, if you want to capture the transient of unsteady effect, you'd better have a fair small courant number.

By the way, I wasn't sure what I understand about courant number. If I am wrong, pls correct me!

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Old   April 5, 2006, 11:01
Default Re: courant number for cfx transient run
James Date
Posts: n/a
You're spot on Aloh5i, if you want a time accurate solution you should really have a courant number of less than one, unless the problem is approaching a steady solution
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Old   April 5, 2006, 11:02
Default Re: courant number for cfx transient run
James Date
Posts: n/a
You're spot on Aloh5i, if you want a time accurate solution you should really have a courant number of less than one, unless the problem is approaching a steady solution.
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Old   April 7, 2006, 00:48
Default Re: courant number for cfx transient run
Posts: n/a
hmmm....There're two different opinions here....

1. Courant number MUST always be less than one for time accurate solution. The question is: Is it always practical? Life is too short for me.

2. Courant number could be more than one for solver using implicit approach. The question is: Is solution always accurate?

What I will do is: Rerun a transient simulation by doubling & halving the time steps. If solution doesn't change too much, then you can reasonably assume that it's time accurate. Any one has better & quicker approach to check the time accuracy of a transient solution?

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