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Icem CFD 10: Align vertices of splitted edges

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Old   March 9, 2006, 05:18
Default Icem CFD 10: Align vertices of splitted edges
Posts: n/a
Hello to everybody,

I'm meshing a simple pipe, using Hexa grid and splitting the domain with an O-grid for the boundary layer resolution.

To improve the quality of the mesh, I've splitted the edges of the O grid parallel, using the command "Edit Edge".

My question is: is it possible to align these vertices used to split the edges,with other vertices?

Thank in advance for the attention,

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Old   March 11, 2006, 09:59
Default Re: Icem CFD 10: Align vertices of splitted edges
Posts: n/a
Why don't you just use the edge parameters to set higher desities, instead of splitting the edges? Splitting edges will make your blocking more (unnecessarily) complex. /C
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Old   March 11, 2006, 11:07
Default Re: Icem CFD 10: Align vertices of splitted edges
Posts: n/a
Probably I don't explain very well my question!

I don't split the edges, but I add a control point inside the edge to force the edge shape, using some additional points to obtain a spline curve. So my question is: can I align the spline control points in some way?

Thanks again for your attention!!


PS I've used the command: BLOCKING - Edit Edge - Split edge - Method spline
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